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United Kingdom674 Posts

August 07 2024 12:36 GMT



Netherlands20949 Posts

August 07 2024 12:38 GMT


On August 07 2024 21:34 Slydie wrote:

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Ouch, he seems to have completely lost it.

Classic "the dog caught the car". He pushed for Biden to pull out, but when he actually did, he writes BS like that.

What a weirdo.

Republicans never considered that Biden might actually pull out. Giving up the highest possible position in the country is just unthinkable to them because they never ever would.


United States4521 Posts

August 07 2024 13:06 GMT


On August 07 2024 16:59 EnDeR_ wrote:

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Could you give us an example of something you've heard Trump say that you thought was funny?
I'm genuinely curious here. To me, he doesn't come across as someone who is able to deliver a punchline to a joke. Feel free to link a clip if you've got one, I'll watch it.

I don't have a particular thing in mind, sorry. But I have found myself laughing or at least chuckling. Drone is right though, a lot of it is timing and delivery.

WombaT is right too, at least in America no one holds a candle to Reagan with jokes, and he has very few peers in speech giving either. He's also right that Maga doesn't have a leg to stand in, but going into this "joke" is honestly kind of...weird US Politics Mega-thread - Page 4332 (1)

On August 07 2024 17:04 Gorsameth wrote:
It is indeed interesting that Democrats have sought for so long to find a way to attack the far right and it turns out the answer is calling them weird.
They wear deplorabele and fascist as a badge of honor because it makes them feel strong, because it shows that they are a threat, but weird, weird is bad. They are the majority, the default, they are not 'weird' and they dont seem to have an answer for it.

Eh, they are already trying to turn it around on Dems by pointing out their left ward lurch on social policy. I think dems just like being able to use a new insult, I think maybe fascist was losing its luster a bit.


Switzerland10464 Posts

August 07 2024 13:09 GMT


On August 07 2024 20:25 Magic Powers wrote:

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How does any of that stop the genocide of Palestinian people?
No, GH's detractors are not better than he is, they're either equally motivated or equally clueless. Better they're certainly not. They need to quit their high horsery and take a good look into the mirror.


Not everything is about Israel/Palestine, for sure not in US politics.
Even if it was, there is no candidate that proposes or even could immediatly stop Israel in this horrible war. But there is one tho that has guaranteed to be even more pro Israel.
It's still not a genocide.
I look plenty fine in front of a mirror.
If anything GH and his ilk, like all extremists, are harmfull to any actual change or progress. Luckily you all are just LARPING, so nothing will happen.


Netherlands20949 Posts

August 07 2024 14:32 GMT


On August 07 2024 22:06 Introvert wrote:

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I don't have a particular thing in mind, sorry. But I have found myself laughing or at least chuckling. Drone is right though, a lot of it is timing and delivery.

WombaT is right too, at least in America no one holds a candle to Reagan with jokes, and he has very few peers in speech giving either. He's also right that Maga doesn't have a leg to stand in, but going into this "joke" is honestly kind of...weird US Politics Mega-thread - Page 4332 (2)

Show nested quote +

Eh, they are already trying to turn it around on Dems by pointing out their left ward lurch on social policy. I think dems just like being able to use a new insult, I think maybe fascist was losing its luster a bit.

Does pointing out the Dems left ward lurch on social issues actually do anything for the Republicans tho?
Aren't they actually rather popular with voters?


United Kingdom8867 Posts

August 07 2024 14:34 GMT


On August 07 2024 22:09 Velr wrote:

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Not everything is about Israel/Palestine, for sure not in US politics.
Even if it was, there is no candidate that proposes or even could immediatly stop Israel in this horrible war. But there is one tho that has guaranteed to be even more pro Israel.
It's still not a genocide.
I look plenty fine in front of a mirror.
If anything GH and his ilk, like all extremists, are harmfull to any actual change or progress. Luckily you all are just LARPING, so nothing will happen.

LARP is live action role playing.


Switzerland10464 Posts

August 07 2024 14:43 GMT


Ok, sorry... it's plain RP'ing.


United States5731 Posts

August 07 2024 14:46 GMT


On August 07 2024 23:32 Gorsameth wrote:

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Does pointing out the Dems left ward lurch on social issues actually do anything for the Republicans tho?
Aren't they actually rather popular with voters?

Seeing that the main Republican strategy this year is to highlight how much Democrats plan to do for working class people encourages me, honestly. Both parties came out swinging this Summer with bold plans to big up the Democrats and show why they're the better choice. I think they should take the free advertising.

"The Democrats are more deranged and liberal than ever. They plan to institute free school lunches for the kids, paid family leave, and to raise the minimum wage. They must be stopped!"

Their strategist might be a plant. Has Kwark taken a side hustle?


Korea (South)4721 Posts

August 07 2024 14:59 GMT


On August 07 2024 19:19 WombaT wrote:
I despise their politics but hey I’ve got a begrudging admiration for both Thatcher and Reagan. They’ve got a laugh out of me plenty of times, they’re identifiably human, can crack a joke, have actual convictions (not of the criminal kind) etc etc

What was your favorite joke of Reagan? Him calling Africans monkeys on the phone with Nixon?

His "convictions" were amnesty for illegal immigrants and trickle down economics. He came from the California actor to governor pipeline.

On August 07 2024 19:19 WombaT wrote:
Hey that’s comic timing, and hey she can actually take it rather than just dish it, which Trump is absolutely incapable of.

Drumpf literally did a roast on Comedy Central. He is often self-deprecating. You are confusing he doesn't just go "yes you're right" when unhinged people who think he's the devil dump pure vitriol in his direction. Obviously there's no give and take there.

On August 07 2024 19:19 WombaT wrote:
The amount of copium in this post is off the charts.

Oh we agree 100%.

On August 07 2024 19:19 WombaT wrote:
It’s just that somehow you’ve got yourself in some hole where either by earnest opinion or devil’s advocacy you find yourself bigging up an Orange Man who absolutely doesn’t merit it. And believe me, in Northern Ireland we have plenty of Orangemen who aren’t worthy of any kind of conferred prestige.

I don't know what you're talking about. There is no "bigging up" as there's no need. He didn't slip on a banana peel one day and become president. Someone would have to grasp quite hard at Jon Stewart's straws to ignore the fact that he is in his 5th decade of being a fixture of America, that it's not an accident, and his story is not so far removed from your self-confessed begrudgingly admired Reagan except he was on the small, rather than the silver, screen.

On August 07 2024 21:38 Gorsameth wrote:

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Republicans never considered that Biden might actually pull out. Giving up the highest possible position in the country is just unthinkable to them because they never ever would.

Trying to sow discord among the Democrats, even the appearance of it, is a good idea at this stage before the convention. They're in a limbo while Kamala still has no campaign positions on her website - because they haven't had a convention to decide the party platform and what they are actually going to pretend to believe this year.


Netherlands20949 Posts

August 07 2024 15:15 GMT


Trump of 13 years ago is not the same as Trump today, he might have been able to be self-deprecating and give as well as take but considering his late night tweet tirades and screeching I seriously question if he can still take a joke these years.


United States5731 Posts

August 07 2024 15:30 GMT


Also, we're seriously gonna post-hoc say Reagan came from the actor-governor pipeline, like that's a knock that doesn't apply just as much to Trump, if not more?

I need to go breathe some helium.


United States42730 Posts

August 07 2024 15:50 GMT


I've been researching Kamala Harris's runningmate, Tim Walz, and it's making me emotional. I'd like to share one specific example of this with everyone, and I think teachers (or people interested in seeing the world through the eyes of a teacher) will especially appreciate this.

As Minnesota's Democratic governor, Walz has a lot of accomplishments under his belt ( ). One of them that's particularly resonated with me, as a teacher, is the bill he signed that guarantees free school meals - breakfast and lunch - for all Minnesotan students. Walz understands that this isn't just a popular political move; he was a public school teacher for 20 years, so he knows that kids can't pay attention in class if they're hungry or stressing over when their next meal will be. Saving the lives of starving children is also a no-brainer for anyone with even an ounce of compassion.

Anyways, a key moment is in the 47-second video below. It's worth watching all the way through; Walz signs the aforementioned bill into law, surrounded by children celebrating. It starts off as a basic photo op. What really made me emotional, though, starts at the 14-second mark. Walz starts fist-bumping the students around him, and at the 16-second mark, one student opens her arms for a hug. Walz's huge, sincere smile at the 18-second mark, as he hugs a student whose life he may have just changed, is the kind of moment that teachers live for. That's the kind of love that isn't fake or staged or politically motivated. And the moment continues with more hugs and more sincere smiles until the 30-second mark. To me, this clip reveals a good-hearted teacher realizing - in real time, from actual students - that he's making a difference. The video captured the essence of why we do what we do.


United States5731 Posts

August 07 2024 16:03 GMT


On August 08 2024 00:50 DarkPlasmaBall wrote:
I've been researching Kamala Harris's runningmate, Tim Walz, and it's making me emotional. I'd like to share one specific example of this with everyone, and I think teachers (or people interested in seeing the world through the eyes of a teacher) will especially appreciate this.

As Minnesota's Democratic governor, Walz has a lot of accomplishments under his belt ( ). One of them that's particularly resonated with me, as a teacher, is the bill he signed that guarantees free school meals - breakfast and lunch - for all Minnesotan students. Walz understands that this isn't just a popular political move; he was a public school teacher for 20 years, so he knows that kids can't pay attention in class if they're hungry or stressing over when their next meal will be. Saving the lives of starving children is also a no-brainer for anyone with even an ounce of compassion.

Anyways, a key moment is in the 47-second video below. It's worth watching all the way through; Walz signs the aforementioned bill into law, surrounded by children celebrating. It starts off as a basic photo op. What really made me emotional, though, starts at the 14-second mark. Walz starts fist-bumping the students around him, and at the 16-second mark, one student opens her arms for a hug. Walz's huge, sincere smile at the 18-second mark, as he hugs a student whose life he may have just changed, is the kind of moment that teachers live for. That's the kind of love that isn't fake or staged or politically motivated. And the moment continues with more hugs and more sincere smiles until the 30-second mark. To me, this clip reveals a good-hearted teacher realizing - in real time, from actual students - that he's making a difference. The video captured the essence of why we do what we do.

That video is a symbol of so much of the humanity that has been squeezed out of our politics in the last many years. I can quickly see why Kamala chose him. They're trying to bring humanity and optimism back to the White House in a big way. As far as I'm concerned, she made the best choice, and we need to make this happen. The stakes have never been higher, the choices could not be more opposite each other.


United States22049 Posts

August 07 2024 16:51 GMT


On August 07 2024 23:43 Velr wrote:
Ok, sorry... it's plain RP'ing.

Just so I understand, is the accusation that socialism is just role playing, or that I'm not a socialist?


United States42730 Posts

August 07 2024 19:40 GMT


JD Vance's favorability is going to continue to plummet with yet another absurd statement: He just falsely accused Tim Walz of stolen valor, when in reality Walz served in the military for far longer than Vance did and Trump famously did not serve at all.


United States5731 Posts

August 07 2024 19:58 GMT


On August 08 2024 04:40 DarkPlasmaBall wrote:
JD Vance's favorability is going to continue to plummet with yet another absurd statement: He just falsely accused Tim Walz of stolen valor, when in reality Walz served in the military for far longer than Vance did and Trump famously did not serve at all.

They know they have to project and be the first one to say something, otherwise it's a shot on goal for Walz if they have a debate. It's a very stupid line of attack, much like literally everything else Vance has said. He would do better if he just let people think he was the guy who might've f*cked a couch.

And yes, it seems like Vance actually spending some time in the military is how he rounds out the ticket with Trump, contrasting with Trump's complete lack of service. I was wondering why on Earth Trump thought Vance might make his ticket any better. Not that he thinks, but you know...


Korea (South)4721 Posts

August 07 2024 20:11 GMT


JD Vance is a marine combat veteran. He has every right to point out the fact that
1) Walz retired as a master sergeant, not a sergeant major as he claimed for years to say he was the most senior enlisted person in Congress
2) He retired immediately before being deployed with his unit
3) He goes around making gun control statements that we nees to get rid of weapons of war that he carried in war. He was never in a war.
4) He goes around in a green beret hat.

So basically while being a national guard member for longer than Vance was a marine (if you even know what those two services do), Vance served infinitely longer in combat which is nothing to boast about by itself until you run into a liar.

Between this and the DUI I'd be surprised if the Democrats don't do another second take and swap him out for a new candidate.


Netherlands20949 Posts

August 07 2024 20:16 GMT


On August 08 2024 05:11 oBlade wrote:
JD Vance is a marine combat veteran. He has every right to point out the fact that
1) Walz retired as a master sergeant, not a sergeant major as he claimed for years to say he was the most senior enlisted person in Congress
2) He retired immediately before being deployed with his unit
3) He goes around making gun control statements that we nees to get rid of weapons of war that he carried in war. He was never in a war.
4) He goes around in a green beret hat.

So basically while being a national guard member for longer than Vance was a marine (if you even know what those two services do), Vance served infinitely longer in combat which is nothing to boast about by itself until you run into a liar.

Between this and the DUI I'd be surprised if the Democrats don't do another second take and swap him out for a new candidate.

Vance was a combat correspondent who by his own admission never saw actual fighting.


United States5731 Posts

August 07 2024 20:19 GMT


On August 08 2024 05:11 oBlade wrote:
JD Vance is a marine combat veteran. He has every right to point out the fact that
1) Walz retired as a master sergeant, not a sergeant major as he claimed for years to say he was the most senior enlisted person in Congress
2) He retired immediately before being deployed with his unit
3) He goes around making gun control statements that we nees to get rid of weapons of war that he carried in war. He was never in a war.
4) He goes around in a green beret hat.

So basically while being a national guard member for longer than Vance was a marine (if you even know what those two services do), Vance served infinitely longer in combat which is nothing to boast about by itself until you run into a liar.

Between this and the DUI I'd be surprised if the Democrats don't do another second take and swap him out for a new candidate.

And while it's opposite day, I'm an Olympic athlete and just finished earning 4 gold medals.

That's a lie, I actually got the medals by selling bridges to the real winners.


United States42730 Posts

August 07 2024 20:26 GMT


On August 08 2024 05:11 oBlade wrote:
JD Vance is a marine combat veteran. He has every right to point out the fact that
1) Walz retired as a master sergeant, not a sergeant major as he claimed for years to say he was the most senior enlisted person in Congress
2) He retired immediately before being deployed with his unit
3) He goes around making gun control statements that we nees to get rid of weapons of war that he carried in war. He was never in a war.
4) He goes around in a green beret hat.

So basically while being a national guard member for longer than Vance was a marine (if you even know what those two services do), Vance served infinitely longer in combat which is nothing to boast about by itself until you run into a liar.

Between this and the DUI I'd be surprised if the Democrats don't do another second take and swap him out for a new candidate.

At this point, I feel like you must have a bet going with someone, about how many terrible takes you can possibly try to defend and how many goalposts you can possibly move.
"In combat", as if you can't say you served in the military unless you went to war.
"National guard", as if that's not part of the military.
"Retired", as if that means he never served.
"DUI", as if he didn't pay the consequences for his actions and change his life by giving up drinking alcohol.
"Swap him out", as if he's not curb-stomping Vance left and right.

That's some strong copium you're addicted to.

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