The Daily Oklahoman from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (2024)

THE DAILY OKI.AHOMAN Nov. IS, I HI BmmImU to 71 Mm, TttabiM, KH It BuMbiM Sjtfc iW Site Tj ratuillt TV'. 1J A In NO. I hay. 4tn cuttlne alfalfa 140.

ton delivered, BR 5-0750, thawnee, MmmMm ftr Sek 112, $74 95, I34 9S. 4t.J. tome Portables, lata models uTaJS; tr's.

i i DISTRIBUTOR OWH IN Htt SMW 45 THIS AREA tAN0C, CONDOMS WESTINGHOUSE laundromalle. good mm liner some nave new aic- i ruins an snoot ufs BANK RATE SALE LESLIE'S CUT RATE DISCOUNT LUMBER YARDS Why pay high Interest rata? 207 USED TV'S CARS CAN BE FINANCCO HROUOH OUR BANK THROUGH OUR stick V-4J used raMaeratgrs 'Tefevn' la tVMwtlteri. Mas stock lasts CLASSENCIRCLE Combination RCA washer A dryer, SALE SERVICE .8:8 11.60 W'M Hit Chevrolet Beialr, air i 9Si Ramblr, 41.000 actual 1959 Rambler Wagon like 1959 Mercury. 1 owner car lMtVauxhall Wagon, nice WANT TO BUY AMERICAN SAD- AMERICAN Quarter horses. 7 colts left.

om ooM mares. These colls from Slso unAII oarmanent Roo. a vs; tea ONLY $16.28 A MO. BUILDING 1111 ICLASSEN TOYS, NOTIONS HOBBIES Take ovtr secured accounts this area. Mercl*tndls told from racks In leading grocery and drug outlets.

(3732 required for you are renting furnished, yog Cheap, elec. stove, hood, QMSSi with no down vmfil. 13 used uto-milies dtllvwed QUsr4tM by Servicing dealer 4J IW Me 47047 at tnVaTihlnglei'i 'wkli 'iid Mason cement Portlnhd cement 4S plywood IIJ1 nil 52.91 2-03(5, or BP8 TIT Cond. pottk-e apace, nW it SPECIALS it CnevreM Morna 0 03 couee. UteJIfi, heater, Vr standard 4-feeJ trtnemle- fl, sJen.

Very lew CO Pontlac Catellne Q' 3T doer. Radio A heater. fl Automatic tranimlsilon, ow- 17,. er steering A 70C rT" 0 alr-cond 3 0 4th 1 SHARTEL 0 CE 6-1588 JK-; janbuY a complete hovttful ef furniture with no money down Mjv.le.JI a rnoj Look jt'K ptastle-top'enS abfes, coffee table, A a pair of table lamm. For the bedroom: a inventory and stock itrKi Darn Boies, large REPOSSESSED whlteface cows, with bv persons win PLEASE CALL COLLECT rooms ol furniture, with console neavv ssr ngers.

ut i-mi. Armstrong Ceiling Tiles 1-3425 PE 7-1313 Exchange 1404 Midwest Blvd. 1955 Plymouth, new paint 2S 1958 Chevrolet, 2 door, you fix $595 195 ChTo! olcKue like nsw 1957 Chevrolet 6 cyl. standard 1955 Ford Victoria 35 1954 Bulck I 99 1953 Ford Wagon $150 e-drawer double dresser mirror, bookcase bed, Ini Mr. O.

E. Cov. Vlca matiress box springs, A MIOWAY HORSE AUCTION mol Balance 27I.OO. Davit Uptown Furniture Okie. City Midwest City too dinette table A 4 sturdy Olractor of Sales.

Emtrson MM, Dallas, Texas, lor mora Information regarding this ad. MacArlhur Blvd. A E-dmond Rd. Annex only 41? Sheridan CE 6-1135 1957 Studebaker Ch. i overdrive 1495 Repair Loans I to 5 Yoirs Chnrolals 10 15-16 hsllers, 2-nlce jood off street parktne, 1954 Oldsmoblle air.

SAVE UP TO 50 ON FINANCE nr cona, ft heating, ce s-7528. For net 16S bldo. all gluts front Special Sale pn ui7. wi specialize In houM-hold groups i have a lr lalrc'lon boose from. For the best deal CHARGES, PHONE APPLICATIONS FALL SPECIAL! apt, size as ranges IW.M living room suit $15.00 nteedrefnatreton TAKEN.

PE 7-1922. Price Motor Co.f 2x4s. per 100 bd. ft. 2x6i.

per 100 bd. ft. ..7.25 WP sheathing hd. bd. $5.95 tee ota room suns tjr.T? it deal In town on 3 and 4 of furniture and appliances Acme Furniture Co.

THE WALKING MAN'S 1204 HUDSON 3-MO-OLD ZIG-ZAG Pre-openlng Specials CASH 6010 E. UNIVERSITY DALLAS, TEXAS siding hd. bd. 1 15.9b 274 Reno CE 5-1010 1. buttonholes, all nncy Jeilsns Willi out ach.

24.t?. Free Delivery. 8620 S. Rob. cF 4x8-'A" plyboard, ea.

Free estimate. All makes A mo 4x-'A" Sanddrift JL Installed 'Gates Extra S. S. S. FENCE CO.

3409 Rockwell SU 9-2414 service. 910 Hudson CE 28x54 Alum, storm sash $8.95 "hevrtojet 4 A REAL BUY EXTRA SPECIAL blfiid8 combination doors $26.95 54rFord door 29S East Side Grocery Store Groulnt over 116.000 per mo. $5,000 for fix WHILE THEY LAST! ALL types. small engines A nil ME'2-233 Students Desk, reg. 19.95 $12.95 MANY OTHER SIZES OF ALUM.


EQUIP. CE 2-6346. nave some, reg sr.vs cans tsas- et or Tub Chairs 11 iod Selection of Used Retrlocra- lors. guaranteed $47.50 up idem Walnut step or coffee tables. iturdi hullt.

111.95 SAOO 3912 Santa Fe JA 4-5018 sc ect design A sew. Makes button If you're working, you can KM, IH Tractor and Equipment, Parrs for sale at 425 SE 59. ME 44316. ana service. Reinnart Farm store.

1727 South Agnew. Western Office space. '62 Temoest sedan, radio, heateri'! Guaranteed Gat Ranges, large selection $49.50 One only floor sample. MooVn wi- New Dempster 16-8 grain drill! G26.P?2Rxl2ABfJii2.2B337" 450 sq. bills rxjj first Inquire 1017 NW 10, cd 2-6BT1 fJt? prosperity Cabinet unit.

Panl nJBHlW i'Wc reno RAY HUNT 1117 Bdwy. CE 6-5227-', SUPER SPORTS, RED See anvllme. Mu 5-2104. case bed large 'double dresser, reg. S179.50 $99 A-l WATER Heatcrs-Yr, guar.

S19.50 Used sink cabinets misc. MU 1-5633 AN J-020G or Okla. City CE 2-1625 1215 EXCHANGE CE 2-6413 90 LB. ROOFING ft. ft, Blvd.

tfave" DOWN We have a few new Allis Chalmers SWAGEN SALES A SERV SECON DS $2.35 ROLL TAVERN for ease, central lounge 06 Central. Ideal location tot colored or white trade or both HEADQUARTERS FOR SERVICB" 'Wan WOODWORKING TOOLS tractors left. We will, consioei reasonable offer. Fleming Eauli CO. 3811 Tulsa Wl 6-5461.

"aSMc5 VW 'bolster 'back "Sofa's' heavily 3 colors, reg 169.50 S29.95 CE 6-5631 RADE WHITTON SUPPLY 1419 RENO DRUG A FOUNTAIN Large selection of modern Table Super 81 fewltry iml Supplies HOSTER Good fixtures Clean stock owner retiring see A make offer. Good location on May Ave. GARDNER REAL ESTATE CE 6-1481 1501 Walker win or full size Mattress or Box Springs Res 49.50 125 arge Salem maple 4 drawer ohesfs 12495 6 old stie, "double dro ejie Crib FARM STORE 5rtSsubca, CITY May, Okla. City MU 5-5555 2627 NW 10 4-3242 rrugated plastic snee "MKhinerj I fools 2-4427 2409 5 A SALVAGE CARPETS ROLL-ENDS REMNANTS Sr USED CARPETS SECONDS 9x17 WOOL RUGS AREA RUGS ALL AT LOW-LOW DISCOUNT PRICES WAFFLE PAD 47c RUBBER PAD 93c 5707 N. Western VI 2-4646 VI 2-5251 TAKE UP PYMTS.

COME see the Just Received New Shipment of '62 Pontlac Catallns, white, Coin-Op Laundry Owners mm s. Zlppered reversible foam Ions, foam back, nice, rest Special Introductory Offer '59 Chevrolet Bcayne $45 melt' '59 Oldsmoblle 88 S40 im." it SPECIALS it A 'C A Chrv5ler New Yorker f) 0 30 2-Ooor hardtop. Radio, steering A Incn A alr-cond. ZOU A A Ire DeSoto 4-door. P.adio, A 30 heater, automatic, air-cond 150 4th ft SHARTEL CE6J5f CALL CE 9-5541 59 Pontlac Catallna $43 mgv CE 2-9428 1 J229.50 $179.50 Haggards Bargain Corner CE 9-2451 TERW230 California $50.00 each tor your old wasners.

When traded In on the all-new Model A 207 SPEED QUEEN CERAMIC GREENWARE-40 OFF NEW AUTOMATIC ZIG-ZAG iine Supply your payment with trade icraicnea, twin needles, blind hems, buttonholes, A fancy designs. No 78A 29. ME 4-0553. on balance IE SPECIAL SALE 1 Large lot of 12 light windows, 2 sash $2.50 S3.00 each 1 lot of extra large sash $3.50 each. Window units at reduced crices, 4x8'" plywood $2.94 per sheet, 1 lot of sheath- For complete details call or write.

1020 NW 6 CE 6-4416. Azel Martin, JA 4-5783, 1525 NE 35m, Oklahoma City, or Chick Wilson PE 2-7513. 101 W. Lilac Court, Mid C. B.

Forney, Perry DALE GEORGE CO. uearoorn heaters, different sizes. modern $189 SMODGRASS 1044 SW 29 MS 2-1700 DUNCAN Phyfe. Mahogany China. MATTRESSES BOX SPRINGS $2.94 gal LBR.

CO CE 9-5il SELLING 2 FINE COLLECTIONS FLOHRE ANTIQUES 715 HUDSON GAN SASH A DOOR tjioment, Rose Equip Co, Used Fork Lifts Rentals A Sales 1523s w. SHERIDAN iej- CALL JIM HOWARD AUCTIONEER for your auction needs, your price hop, NW 91 Olle. Fl BARGAINS NO DOWN Payments From Week niture 8, Accessories, an i-niu, bathroom 15xin imatnrlei iisff. Okla. Rt.5 Box 118 SAVE 50 AND WE TRADE PUCK 3919 NW 10 HOTEST PR CES town 1959 D-6 8U BULLDOZER ii SPECIALS it 'Aft Adventurer 4- door.

Radio A heater. A Automatic transmission, pow- er steering A white tires. Air- A cond. Light green. 1 1 cor 0 Real nice I OYO A A 'CK ftoto Flrafllte 2-door (7 99 hardtop.

Radio A 0 heater. Automatic tranimls- slon, power steering, white tires, alr-cond. Sold new at Fretwells. 51,000 one- A At 0 owner miles 4V5 4th SHARTEL DOLPHA JUSTICE Lilly Plbg. 1217 5.

May MU 1-5371. My' SshVOpM, filled WlliS84 "Goodies" from recent trips. Househokl Goods Wanted 79 WXr kl LARGEST DISPLAY OF down FHA, BOTTGER mmttm wefeivei30" I yw mojtfjifr LJ pmisltm far HBtfgfr HH Just tell us how PH much you need to -pay old bills, for car repairs, home improve-I merits, for all 'If your seasonal ,1 expenses! Opn Saturday 9 la 1 2 LOANS Ut TO $2000 mmmmmmmmmmm. Where the talks Insulated siding, iq. 2x48 studs -29c 1x8 decking, lie.

ft. 4Vic 'A" prefiniihed mahogany $4.56 4x8 'z" CD plywood Alum, window units $6.95 up Damaged Doors $2.95 up Bob Hutchison Lumber 301 N. Western CE 5-6341 PROPANE TANKS GA 7-1668 GA 7-0442 DON'T WASTE TIME CALLING them all. Don pays more for 1 SINGER DESK MODEL SEIGLER HEATERS In beautiful 4-door walnut desk. But- 57 Mercury 2-door '58 Edsel good 57 Pontiae sharp '58 Chevrolet V-8 '57 Plymouth Hardtop '57 Lincoln clean '57 Renault runs Mercury goes '57 '51 For3vBlton' '54 Chevrolet''" ton' darr FOR LEASE ExceHent opportunltvJ'or rl floor" erles, Priced at otton Irwin.

NO CE 5-8401 BRITTON AUCTION 279-45S5. Meeker. SINGER. CONSOLE NEW Zig-zag. Button holes! SK 2-3441 some fixed, '61 Falcon 4 Door $1,095 Automatic.

101 engine 1957-4 door Fprd. green A white, radio-heater, very good coot dltlon Take I must tell, i INTERSTATE METALS CORP. HIRHFST PRICES FOR FURN Slant-O-Matic Singer TURE APPLIANCES R00MFUL- 57 Dodge ml '500' Looks New! Select pattern 2 Restaurants Okla. Cit SHOWING TREMENDOUS PROFI HOUSErUL. LALL Chi NEED FURNITURE! '57 Mercury convertible, out Automobiles for Sale Sell one or both.

Owner JA 8-6116 To furnish 50 apartmenls GA 7-1956 2020 S. ROBINSON 2620 s'Rob. 'CE5- Chest Sfrlezee r'8eralr 21" RCA TV, new tube 24" Westlnghouse, r.6 fgbe Wanted to Buy Thoroughly experienced lady will buy or appraise your home eiano personal effects. JA 4-5703. white, i 19.0Q0 ml.

Like. now 41m. I 2-513 MUST SELL LOAN A THRIFT 224 Robert S. Kerr Ave. CE 5-8457 131 West Main St.

CE 9-2625 Metal Co. Ard'mort SC. SM 9-2252, CE 9-9303. Puekett'c Ante, iurlinn Highest prices for furniture oliances all kind. Wl 2-1509.

1961 Dodge Lancer, std. Good cond. Small down. Allstate Finance Corp. ALL 90 DAY iim Pavi top cash.

Furniture Your purchase Discards Into 1 WANT TV, bike, Sinser, washer 5938 NV Wed. Nov. 13 2 p.m. 68 tools; car or pickup GA 7-2203 Malor service station for lease on Classen Blvd. For Information, call GOODWILL INDUSTRIES 2 NEW OFFICES! NEED FURNITURE FOR no suoolle.

CE S69.95. O'Neal cars i Large Mack Weiring Apparei 85 RENTALS. SM 9-3548 to all. GA 4-1828. MUST SELL 4 door, automatic, clean, ice.

Allstate Finance Corp dwy. CE 2-3234. Home Beauty Shop AUTOMATIC SINGER LATE MODEL Don't give away furniture, clo '55 Rambler $395 2 Bed, Central Heat Air A 8-6336 Roland Brown Wl 2-499 JACK CALLAWAY CO. ilrie.r ttara rummage misc. Twin needles sewing, blind hems, sews on bullons, buttonholes A farcy Slatterns without atchmis.

$41. or STICK SHIFT 2 DOOR, WILL PAY YOU delivery. Open Sun FOR lease Phillips ttV. ft DAMAGED portable alu- tadlocks Carlot SEVERAL 0 mlnum bldgs. sen Rrn Cxrtl booths.

DlSh- CASH for pianos Slant-O-Matic Singer washers, treeiers, reachins, Hobsrt 2 Ramt 51 Chev EW HP Motors S3 ee. 1 ho S8; 7 hn $18: 9 ho 170 a II run on 12 CAFE $1000 MO. NET 24 volts DC. Also have gear boxe: taw Real location. Seats 60.

Also 62 Chevrolet 61 Chevrolet BARGAINS. WE Z-B643, S616 SW Z4, Cafe 8. Living Qtrs. Buy fixtures Take nts. 10 yr.

at $2 wk. 1WE4-6325, on purchase. MU Ml 13 3-3593 Ike Hall Co. A 5-7411 Stauffer reducer exerciser, good as new, cost S30OW1II sell Vi price. JA 5-6643 or VI 2-0260.

Many More 115 Portland 5TH N. WALKER CE 5-0637 OPEN 'TIL 9 P.M. MERCURY ii) Monterey 4-Door. Black 03 Cherry with beige Interior, radio, heater. Multi-drive, power steering and brakes, factory air, low mileage and sold with written ''JQCft warranty OOU FORD ii) Galaxle 500 4-Door.

Beau-03 tlful Gold finish with matching interior, radio, heater, Fordomatlc, power brakes and steering air conditioned. This car has less s9QCft than 8000 miles OLDSMOBILE 1 1 Convertible 9B Coupe. OC White over red, full power and factory air conditioned, s2650 320 S.W. Commerce St. ME 4-2455 lirMIdwestCity 1208 East Lockheed Dr.

PE 7-3456 Lockheed Shopping-Center FAMILY CLASS INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES PAY 3 PER ANNUM RETAIL orocerv store, stock F. Miller Console mahogany REFRIGERATORS A-l COND. hires for sale. CE 2-8278 GA 4-4419. returned i pa'mfc PIANOS Greene Co.

5 SW 5th, CE CARPET ON SALE 516 SW 29 Eldan Brown ME 2-4409 512 NW 2. 62 Falcon 4 Door $1,245 Room size Remnants $2.50 yd. BILL STONE CARPETS 2728 NW 10 Wl 3-: wide tong lengths practically new oak flooring. 610 A Street, Fordomatic, radio, heat, S175down. sale 14' Lone Star Boat.

Mark LARGE Assorttr 60- CHEVROLET Sport Coupe, A-l Viotor custom irancr sew; ric Stove 530; Simmons Hide shape, going overseas, must sell, $75. SU 9-7119 FURNITURE BETHANY SU 9-4046 CLEAN UP I FALL BILLS RAKE UP' can pays ja-v6. 725e N' 39 Expressway. SU 9-3568. WALLPAPER SPECIAL pnnu nTS SI .98 UP Melodlan Leslie speaker Small Grand Wurlltzer spirit Hammond choi 1200 Linwood Hl-po-390 engine JA5-76M.

1811 Dexigraph Photostat S495-N0 down, Every Friday 30c-50c paper roll each. 1020 used office equipment. Oklahoma Em- ESNUT'SCE 2-4143 size Cello-looks like 50C-75C paper ro paper 39c ro paper 49 ro I VOLKSWAGEN SEDAN GUARANTEED Refrigerator Household Goods for Sale 78 reel nice si5. 310 nw CONTINENTAL 50,000 BTU Floor Furnace 559.95 37,500 BTU Floor Furnace $49.95 i 4-Door. EARLY AMERICAN Platinum with Interior, fully SPECIAL PRICES ON THESE ORGAN TRAtJE INS Used Hammond Extravolce Used Hammond Chord will guar, vou to plav a Ha wd Organ In 30 days to yc mtwiCTc )rfveavii IE 10 CE 5-8471 123 1961 VOLKSWAGEN will sell for labor Also console Sing- Complete Group Singer portable never picked up, er 'I? zabgerMA5' i duefmfjjlj Lii uttorsrioier, MU 5-19S4 Call IF YOU ARE FOND OF EARLY AMERICAN FURNITURE THIS equipment.

Oklahoma Emplc Security Commission. See i White Full Automatic 945 used c. 515, S1050 equipped with all power and factory air conditioning. Truly a luxury car In beautiful condition. Sold with 12 mo.

'OCCfi Written warranty CADILLAC i in 4-Door Jet black with OU black and white Interior, radio, heater, automatic' power Pick Up Payments feViTir pymt- 1 YOU MUST SEE. Typewriters, Adding Midlines 17 le spinet, Ike Tiball consolelte model $400 sav for beginners, Music Co. CE 2 NO DOWN vr fctlce plat NATIONWIDE FINANCE CO. Loans up to $2,500 IN DESK BRAND NEW Scratches In shipment, twin needle. Button holes fancy work without attachments, $68.87 cash or $6 mo.

Free delivery. 10 year guar. 1116 Linwood. CE 5-9973 Open eve. Sun.

Chevrolet V8, Durable 2 pc living room suite, studio style with maple trimmed arms skirted bottoms on both divan rocker. The coffee no at the door. Okla. Typewriter Co. HOUSES wanted to move or cash paid Harris.

GA 7-0746. 1951 Chevrolet runs good, 1304 Chest- W. Main CE 5-7367 -Wrenches 50c sockets STUDENT typewriters, new, used a. local car with ilnet Model Organ Built-in leaker, low cash down A tak 'mts. RO 3-2268.

Choctaw. '60 Mercedes Bens 190-SL WKl ZI9 Z9 or straight slitch sewlns machine. We 59973 table 2 step tables ire alio Si 2712 S. R00. CE S-H7 KELLA No down, 904 SW 59th.

ME 4-2404 Coupe. roadster, sharp $2195 notching sturdy maple HAMMOND written 07Kn warranty AWWV MERCURY automatic washer $30, 12th 62 Austin-Healey ZIG-ZAG SINGER ning table lamp bases in CHORD ORGAN, New Guarantee $495 Pa.nD.AYplywgo5ai nW cabinet, makes buttonholes, needle, sews on buttons, blind maple, brass milk glass complete with printed shades. A i Monterey 4-Door. Solid JENKINS MUSIC CO. sale to be moved.

GOTTA St Frame duplex 412 MAIN CE 5-6331 drawer dbl. dresser OA white with Gold trim, radio, healer, Mercotiriatlc, power steering; factory air conditioned, DIAMONDS FOR.XMASI Linwood CE 5-9973 open with framed mirror a pai of dresser lamps. Also a match UNCLAIMED LAYAWAY Soecial PUBLIC CAR AUCTION Every Friday 7:30 White automatic zig-zag sewing ma- jSSf. bookcase bed with inner Clark Shonlnger pianos-closing out several floor samples of Kimball bonds A unlls TUCKER'S PLBG. SUPPLY "63 Corvair Mem A Gulbranscn at substantial savings.

Cash or $5 mo. 10 yr. guar. 1U6 Lin-wood. Open eve.

A Sun. CE 5-9973. warranty 2375 COMET iia 2-Door. Blue over white Oil radio, heater, Mercomatlc, ng mattross box springs a gorgeous bed spread a iff UBLIC OEALFPS INVITED Wall healers Business Opportunities UKINu YOUR CAR TITLI Late Model Zig-Zag Introductory offer on 25 CE 2-3942 CoVpOCK'! 515 Western Wall furnace 35,000 manu Floor furnace 50,000 auto of pillows. The large ova Wl 6-3673 8 May $1 A POINT The AUCTION BARN WHAT WRONG? kflfr jsful aL.

maple dining table has an ex tons, fancy designs without attach 6220 Shields. ME 4-5495 Ideal second car and as clean as a pin, sold with tllCA written warranty I ODU Diamond Importers-Estate Brokers tra leaf 4 matching mateg Used Jesse French console piano Used Elburn Console piano Used Wurlltzer spinet organ LARSEN MUSIC con.riuxe.wltfi extrti, 2E guari? oiher business. 614 Reno CE iT Sportsmen's Items Standard Auto Sales SAMUEL GORDON CO. -au v.j-owt PL4-15W any- MERCURY lairs. Add to this a gleeminc hite table top range a irge capacity fast freeze elec- 515 uravens biog ESTABLISHED 1904 )ld 1 a Monterey 4-Door.

Solid AT 38TH ST. N. MAY WILL FINANCE YOUR CAR NO CREDIT REFUSED terms. Ti trie Refrigerator. HOUSE PRICES WHEN I white with black white Interior, radio, healer, CLOSE SACRIFICE.

Lake portable THESE VALUES Vt Ct Ladles Diamond Solitaire 195 60 Cadillac air A power $2595 The total price Is only 485 Motorola TV's Stereos Ve have bought factory stock brand comallc, power steering and, brakes, factory air conditioned. MOTELS, LAKER ESO RTS JOHN ROBERTS REALTORS JA 4-5565 227 NW 17, Ok la, City. TEXACO SERVICE STATION FOR LEASE IN NW PART OF OKLA. CITY. INVESTMENT REOUIRED.

CONTACT J. R. SIMS. CE 2-6474. AiunMATir 7irs zag Lato mode 1 Ct.

32 Degree Masonic rlnts $145. and we will be glad to assist; nice car, ready io go. buttonholes, sews on buttons fancy designs. No attachments need ur-4 uiamono weagina ring iua '1750 60 studebaker Lark wagon 60 Ford 2-door, real barge 59 Plymouth, family car 59 Ford, young man's car 59 Ford 4-door air cond. Diamond Dinner ring some floor models demonstrators, low priced, terms as low as $2.50 Written warranty ou in selecting a monthly pymt fit your budget.

You may If. Hamilton Diamond watch $495. SI Chevrolet stick Sit 2 Ct. Diamond ladies solitaire $495. ed.

Guar $19.50 cash or S5. 3016 S. Western ME. SAVE AKK. rRcfc, IN 1-IKiT NATL.

ot'k'lnsf'sWo. 59 Chevrolet 2 door, 6 stick $895 Brovhlll Premier Furniture Barnett's Diamond Broker 22 LR $5.95 cln. 22 S. $4.95 Cln. Re- ilso trado in your present turni-ure or appliances.

EE NOW AT Davit Irion Furniture 30-FTretJil FRIGIDAIRE STEREOS equipment! Southwest Shooters'. 107 Re Comme REPOSSESSED AjHtPPllf Open Sundays, Americ Fuel CONTINENTAL MERCURY COMET BOB HOLDER, TAXIDERMIST 26 NE 10. 312-317 Reno CE 6-2781 New A used drlve-lr 4 room group, S240 2 piece living room suite coffee table, 2 step tables, 2 lamps, 2 piece bedroom suite TUCKERS WOODYARD-Oak, black-lock, hlckory-3025 NW 39 I 3-4183. RENT-A-BUY PLAN NEARLY new. motel 1 THE BEST FIREPLACE WOOD pool, coffee shop, Al 3 ROOM GROUPS Mri! 62 BelAir 4 Door Contracts.

Lee's Assume all ser 58 cnevroier 4-aoor nerotop '58 Oldsmoblle It, give iway '58 Chevrolet wagon '58 Ford 4-door V-8, clean '58 Renault, cheap tramp. I '58 Dodge 2-door pushbutton '59 Plymouth 4 door wagon 58 Bulck, sacrifice '57 Bulck 2-door hardtop '57 Pontlac, biggest bargain '57 Ford wagon, V-8, stick '57 Plymouth 2-door hardtop '57 Mercury, new paint '57 Oldsmoblle 88, 4-door '56 Rambler, extra clean 1 '55 Ford 6 2 door, stick '54 Cadillac, easy ride I '55 Oldsmoblle 88 2-door '55 Cadillac choice of 2 Phone Applications Taken PHONE Wl 6-4451 Pawrrollde. radio, huter. nlra costs no more for the best. JA 5-2402 ita-drv reversible hunting cap 99c Factory Distributing Co.

Including living room, bedroom and OK Furniture Rug Co. Store, Witburlon. Okla NO REFUSALS OF CREDIT APPLICATIONS vour credit Is good, bad or Indif Lee's Radio TV '62 TEMPEST EQUITY Dogs, Cats and Pels Hudson CE 6-8311 Okla. or 2105 SW 29 Open ME 4 Guns, Guns, Guns Galore MATTRESSES Box Springs, Commercial" Colts, Wlnchcs- r. fLtH IVJ 23 Bragg ferent and even if you've been in BANKRUPTCY or had a reposses-slon or been turned down elsewhere AND HAVE STEADY JOB.

WE CAN lielo yoa. Just make payments. Motor A Vil. "REPOSSESSED GROUP PRICES" SLASHED! UP TO $150 OFF See these while Ihcy lastl AKIN'S APPLIANCES PEERY'S POODLES, By Ma'chociav $5, SU 9-2155. rrived new shipment Bass m'Vtflt specials.

Everything ting boots exclusive at Vaden- POODLES BY MONTEZ Central Lounge for lease. 906 tral. Plenty business. CE 6-5631. TEXACO STATION FOR LEASE located at 25 Western, excellent opportunity Kooresslve Individual.

Invcstmer 0 it SPECIALS it (J 'A I Crown Imperial 4-door I hardtop with all power equipment fac- t)JQC A tory air. Beige 3 3T3 if-7 Chrysler Now Yorker A 4-door. Radio A heat- er, auiomatic transmission, power steering A factory air. Nearly new tires. Army of- A fleer's trade.

QQE Extra clean TT3 r) A iii) Dodge Polara 2-door OL hardtop. Full power A Beige L.i.1 9 4th SHARTEL 0 CE 6-1 588 I ALL COLORS, Tiny Sluds SU 9- lor the home. Llvlnsroom set 'rom $69.00 'IE NO MONEY DOWN Yukon? UAVIb IKIUIN 312 Reno CE 6-2781 quired. Call J. D.

Cook CE 2-6474. MALL Poodle Pics AKC. $50 $165. Can finance. A complete houseful of clean, good-looking furniture Including 2-oc.

living room suite with pood cover, Mbtr'. lamps A big nice rug, 2 pc, bed-room suite with lots of storage, firm mattress sprlnss, family-siie real nice sas ranoe, 4-chalr dinette. Assume $56.12 mo. oymts. this flood-looking, serviceable Is vours.

Can be bought for cash, To see this furniture, come to Malhls Bros. Furniture, 301 Reno, CE 5-7501. REPOSSESSED SSlUr fiE "FOR SALE ladles ready AKC Reglstere MERCURY COMPACT Complole line of ducksback hunting clothes. Special price on '63 Mercury molors. Razor back boars A cSen-kfoK 1415 May Wl 6-70O1 High Power rifles, shotguns, st Prices 1 1 Mason's, S33 100 location this year.

RENTAL TV-STEREO ALL HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES NO CREDIT NEEDED ANYONE CAN RENT Lowest Rates in Tom Rent pays for set NO DEPOSIT olume In excess of AKC Poodle Puppies X-mas terms ugs 9x12 oriental Colonial 57 Ford wagon. lop quality stuo service r-KZ-1455 3208 2035 after 5, 2824 SW 60. AKC toy Poodle nlsh a home you may choose from DIAL DIRECT: FOR '57 Ford wagon, extra nlcs 35! '57 4'door Pontiae hardtop SU mi Chevrolet Beialr hardfoo S4S '5 Merojrv, like nw 1 Oldsmoblle hardlop, 2 door BANK REPO PET SUPPLIES 5117 Shields, relet door Beialr, real nylon6 aver or' a large 3-pc, sec tional, both complete with tables. ABLE AUTOMATIC SEWING MA- WEEKLY OR MONTHLY MR.T'S CE 2-6 1 57 1402 CLASSEN 2000 CE 9-2618, uapitoi rim rot itiop CHAIRS, living room, stylo-1 30 It. cabin cruiser Luxurious tlge craft for vour Pleasure hi MU 5-9218 Prlvalo $7,500.

Regency TV SERVICE CALLS $3.95 Oklahoma's largest shoo. tTbrovm $12.50. 1508 SW 43. Bedroom suite, twin beds GE Williams TV CE 5 supplies. Re- 33 Chevrolet pickup S2 56 Intl.

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Bruno's, 2421 wk. Cash price ihua Puppies, Cash or terms. Plon sired stud service GA 7uo5 RT POODLE GROOMING $5 See! See! Sue! TRA NICE CARS. JUST 1954 Oldsmoblle 2 door super 88, Pick UP pvmts 83.98 wk. CE 4021 FUPNITl.

Ins. Soeegle Marine, PICK UP DELIVER Wl Ml Reno CE 5-7501 PAYMENTS PE 7-3445 $295, A 4-5544 1956 Pontlac AU K. I Philco Refrigerator, 13 fl Lite finance can pa arrangeo. I960 Chevrolet Bel Air 6, Closeout hip boots, Vi prl Close out all Crestllner fishing ait FURNITURE 1010 SW 29 ME Singer Automatic Used Sewing Machines $5 cl9-f everything A air. $2,695.

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GOOD Dennslt will hold 'til soring. VERGIL'S FOOD MARKET Your credit is good here! Low rates Open Sun. 12-6 American Warehouse 26 NE 10 CE2 9488 FURN I TU RE ALVAG 1J2I1 Aontw, Termi. Open Mil '56 THUNDERBIRD, 2 pass, a OOOC car, cash, trade or terms. Jim't Aufo Sales.

1221 Ddvv. CE 2-1131 2301 Mav Horanev'i Wl Agnew CE 2-1028.

The Daily Oklahoman from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (2024)


What is the largest newspaper in Oklahoma? ›

The Oklahoman is the largest daily newspaper in Oklahoma, United States, and is the only regional daily that covers the Greater Oklahoma City area.

How much is The Oklahoman subscription? ›

Get unlimited digital access. $9.99 for 1 year.

Does Oklahoma City have a newspaper? ›

Oklahoma City News - The Oklahoman.

Is the Daily Oklahoman a Gannett newspaper? ›

Get in touch with us about stories happening in your community, questions or concerns, and how to purchase our content for personal or professional use. This site is part of the USA TODAY Network and is owned and operated by Gannett Co., Inc.

What newspaper has the most readers? ›

The newspaper with the highest print circulation in the United States in the six months running to September 2023 was The Wall Street Journal, with an average weekday print circulation of 555.2 thousand. Ranking second was The New York Times, followed by The New York Post.

What is the most popular news channel in Oklahoma? ›

Top 7 TV Outlets in Oklahoma sorted by total monthly visitors
1KOCO-TV (Oklahoma City, OK)Oklahoma City, OK
2KWTV-TV (Oklahoma City, OK)Oklahoma City, OK
3KFOR-TV (Oklahoma City, OK)Oklahoma City, OK
4KOTV-TV (Tulsa, OK)Tulsa, OK
3 more rows

Who owned the daily oklahoman? ›

The Oklahoman is a daily newspaper published in Oklahoma City, Okla. The paper is owned by The Anschutz Corporation, which publishes The Oklahoman under the umbrella of The Oklahoman Media Company.

How do I cancel the daily oklahoman? ›

How can I cancel my subscription? You can cancel at any time by calling Customer Service at 1-877-987-2737.

Where is The Oklahoman published? ›

The parent company of The Oklahoman newspaper (formerly the Daily Oklahoman), Oklahoma Publishing Company (OPUBCO) is headquartered in Oklahoma City and holds business interests in broadcasting, hotels and resorts, real estate, and other industries.

What was the first newspaper in Oklahoma? ›

William Potter Ross edited Oklahoma's first newspaper, the Cherokee Advocate issued on September 26, 1844, at Tahlequah, Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory (I.T.). The Indian Journal first published at Muskogee, I.T., in May 1876, remains the longest continuously published newspaper in present Oklahoma.

Does Owasso Oklahoma have a newspaper? ›

The Owasso Reporter is a weekly newspaper in Owasso, Oklahoma. Founded in 1964, it is published every Wednesday by Tulsa World Media Company, a Berkshire Hathaway Media Group company.

What is a journal record? ›

A journal is a running record of all of a business's financial transactions. It is used to reconcile accounts and is transferred to other accounting records, such as the general ledger.

How much is a subscription to the Daily Oklahoman? ›

*After 3 months, Sunday-Friday Print Delivery + Digital will be $35/month. The Sunday Only Print Delivery + Digital will be $19/month after 3 months. The Sunday & Wednesday Print Delivery + Digital will be $30/Month after 3 months.

Is the Daily News a liberal newspaper? ›

From the 1940s through the 1960s, the Daily News espoused conservative populism. By the mid-1970s however, it began shifting its stance, and during the 1990s, it gained a reputation as a moderately liberal alternative to the right-wing Post (which until 1980 had been a Democratic bastion).

Who bought Oklahoma? ›

Most of the land that is now Oklahoma was acquired by the U.S. in 1803 as part of the Louisiana Purchase. In the 1830s, the United States used the land to relocate Indian tribes and the Indian Territory was formed from the land set aside by the Indian Intercourse Act of 1834.

What is the largest daily newspaper? ›

The 5 Largest Daily US Newspapers
  • The Wall Street Journal.
  • The New York Times.
  • USA Today.
  • The Washington Post.
  • Los Angeles Times.
Jul 25, 2024

What is the largest printed newspaper? ›

Top newspapers by circulation
1The New York TimesUSA
2The Yomiuri ShimbunJapan
3The Asahi ShimbunJapan
16 more rows

Who owns the daily Oklahoma? ›

The Oklahoman is a daily newspaper published in Oklahoma City, Okla. The paper is owned by The Anschutz Corporation, which publishes The Oklahoman under the umbrella of The Oklahoman Media Company.

What was Oklahoma's first newspaper? ›

William Potter Ross edited Oklahoma's first newspaper, the Cherokee Advocate issued on September 26, 1844, at Tahlequah, Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory (I.T.). The Indian Journal first published at Muskogee, I.T., in May 1876, remains the longest continuously published newspaper in present Oklahoma.

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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.