THE MINNEAPOLIS TRIBUNE: SUNDAY MARCH 12 1933 I tu (14) They'll Fix Your Floor or Hang a Door Call a Tribune Business Service Man You'll Find Him in Today's Want Ads i i 1 1 1. i HELP WANTED WOMEN EDUCATIONAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HELP WANTED MEN SWAPS LIVESTOCK SFLUNO OUT TFR CO. HORSES. Blark team, ace 9. wt.
2 800. $120. Bav team. wt. 2,900.
ir5. Gray team, wt, 3.000. $110. Burkskln team. wt.
2 SCO. $90. Brown team. wt. 2.700.
$75. Snan mules, wt. 2 300. 150. Several horses, $25 up.
15 sfts of harness, cheao. Fre. del. tfr. barn.
2225 31st Moll. FOR SALE TOOLS jig uj 1" Inch throat, usei .11 raft-man Puife S745 Central. motors, drills vacuum cleaner. arm, rewinding A repairing. bold Repair Mint) 1 Maro BR.
4 t.7 OFV "elec. 'niotor, hil Induction, tn-eluding switch brx. alternating current W'A 3:35 CORONA portable typewriter with rase. $18 to. i5 xwulwnrklng.
new or useq. tree trial. Dav or OIL BURNERS of lifetime. Writ.
Y1246I Trlhur.e. VICTORY oil burner service. Service on all makes of oil burners Work guar-tnteed Call Oscar. -4 hour service. Vn.WV fl6M FIRST come, best served, dandy OH King.
W. heater at cost. OL. 5015. IAN0S.
MUSICALjrUMENJS SFTTEROREN grand piano. This is a very fine piano nd in fine condition It will pay you to sc this before you buy, and only $278. easy terms. Boutcll Mar-quetje and 6th St. BAY grand Diano.
fine condtilon. ran' hardly tell from new. former once we offer this wonnenui oi.m on srAV ee 11. Marauette a fflNES Amnico piano, reconditioned, Wonderful tone, former price. 11,290.
A snap at only 1125, Easy terms. Bouteu s. Marqueuc mm 5nb hiih grade grand "will bPrlced at lisa penaing nm yr investigate now. W.
Kimball 30 atn I.ARSHALL WENDELL grand piano, former price 1725, just like new and only $425. See this belore you buy. Easy terms. Bou te ll's. a uettc and th st.
uSH GERTZ piano. This is a wonderful bargain. Has been reconditioned. A-l shape and only 59. Easy terms.
Maio.uet.te and 5th st. WHITNEY "baby grand, "excel, "beau, tone, dark man. case. 5 yrs. old.
sac. 150. Act now. BR. 6367.
Mrs. George. XCCORDIONS, closing out. different makes at, less than price. Idling Accordion 'EYES examined glasses furnished br ex-Shoo.
3517 2nd av S. pert oculist exch. ior umthirM can use. SALESMEN AND SOLICITORS A HEW PMSIMfJT A HEW PMWJCT To how our confidence in both we will employ ton new salesmen for the city of Minneapolis. Apply Minneapolis Branch Tko.
Emm Brewing: Qrapaiy Next Monday only. 123 14th Ave. S. BANK EXECUTIVES, SALESMEN SECURITY DEALERS Old established national corporation has quick selling, unique, exclusive firopositlon which anneals tremendous-y to every individual everywhere. Just built to suit present conditions.
Nothing like it ever offered. All exclusive territory open for supervisors and salesmen. Dally cash income assured. Glva qualifications. Best qualified five of ten applicants given positions, LLOYD-JONES, ROSS CO.
State Mprrs. (00 NATIONAL MPLS. MAN. 23-30 years old. well groomed, 5 Intelligent and energetic.
Man se- lected will join a rapidly expand- lng organization, selling a product now more In demand than ever before. He will b. thoroughly $irainea and ntted for a respectable and profitable lifetime career. This fls really an unusually flne onportu- nlty for the proper man who wants to earn 15.000 and up an- nually and who Is willing to work for 1t. Se.
Mr. Bruce at Radlsson Hotel. Monday, 8:30 a. m. to 9 tt AN exceptional opportunity for men or women to sell an entertainment prosnec-tus to churches, fraternity organisations and schools.
Plan complete with advertising. Brand new and of Interest to every organisation at this time. Splendid com missions. Must own car. Exclusive terri tory allotted, oiv.
run particulars about selling experience, references and telephone number In first letter. Arrangements will be made for oersonnl inter view to those who can qualify. Real moneymaker for right men or women Write X199 Tribune. DISTRICT MANAGFH3. OROANTZFRS.
REPRESENTATIVES RALKRMEN for all northwest points to introduce a depression born plan of protection. Life opportunity witn good earnings to begin and continuous earnlnga In the future. Men selected must have leadership a convincing personality. Horn, office as slstance to out of city men. Apple in writing only, giving full details about yourself.
Th. United, 255 Gateway Bldg. TRAVELING SALESMAN With experience calling 0.1 department, drug, variety and general atores. Distinctive line of greeting i.srdj for all rc-caslons. that offers deslers outstanding values and unusual profit.
Automobile necessary. Liberal commission! advancer1 weekly. Give full details regarding experience, lines handled and territory cov-f red In first letter. Graphic Arts Greet- iii vara uu waoisn. Chicago New Factory Branch Leading manufacture! of equipment required by every food merchant opening direct factory branch In Twin Cities, We require forceable salesmen who understand food merchandising.
If you are seeking a good Job that ha. a future, sell yourself to us by letter, give telephone. Writ. Y3570 Tribune. DISTRIBUTOR REPRESENTATIVE Executive type who can sell and manage salesmen cities of 25.000 and over In Minnesota, Wise.
Iowa and N. W. offers exceptional opportunity. Nationally known product. Give complete Information, references.
Addresa Lotan. 311 N. Desplalnes, Chicago. OLD established firm has opening In Min nesota and North South Dakota for sideline salesman with car; excellent line 01 importea babywear, art linens, gowns, tapestries; sell direct to dealers. Responsible men with following aonly Herro Ac 440 8.
Dearborn, Chicago. STORE AND OFFICE WANTED Ycuns: flan Must be over 21, unmarried, and ambitious to get ahead. Permanent connection with weekly eheck and constant Increase to one who will qualify. Call Monday, 1:00 o'clock sharp. Minn.
Mutual Life Ins. 303 Foihay Tower. CR. MGR A-l record. 1150-1200.
FJi- farmer. 118 exo. inoroiy exp. man tore. Open.
'tore exo. O.ien. FIRE INS. Inspector. Deane Sfhed.
1200. LBR YD. MGR. Estimator, etc. 1100.
JAMES ELLS SERVICE. 929 Plym. Bldg. CREDIT manager for established Mihn uons mm in nigniy competitive country and city business. Must be 35 or over, capable managing department.
Write credit experience and references, salary wrue Tiasg Tribune. WANTELV Farm loan and" land man with oank training. Preferably one with actual field experience In farm management, rentals, sales and collections. Give age and complete history. Write E8325 Tribune.
CX)ST CIk. Foods. Percent. Exp. $75.
JMESJXL8 SERVICE. 929 Plym. Bldg. MISCELUNEOUS CLFRK8. office workers, bookkeepers, for special consumer campaign.
Opportunity for promotion on salary and override. rivmouin Bldg. Blllte 951-3 CREW manager, sslesmen and women, big money. Item costs 6c. sells one dollar.
Particulars Immediately. Write International Sales Mnls. MAN capable of managing sales organl- runon ior enure n. w. territory witn capital to Invest in manufacturing product of merit.
Give full particulars and references. Writ. Y3569 Tribune. MAN, for donut route. Com.
Car fur- iiianeq. no snap. MA. 6S7. YOUNG MAN exo.
In aelllni flour mach or supplies to oaker. state age. rer. and salary expected. Wrtte 89302 Tribune.
YOUNO man wanted et one, permanent "r.n,-,t0 at start. Call Monday. 513 Lumber Exchange. OLD EST. manufacturer will finance re- man in a permanent business.
Must hare A-I ref A ear til.rltn. Steady increase un to 1100 for right man. No slack season or lay offs. Writ, promptly. MrConnon Ac pept.
EB-IOH, Winona, Minn. FACTORY Branch will employ mea at 10 m. inorsoay. tome prepared to start work at once. 1013 2nd av 8.
WILL employ SO reliable men acquainted witn nurse owners in tnelr vicinity, to llat horses for treatment for horse oara-altes: profltr 13 to 15 per da. Write C. n. oiasas. -aiesm ger.
Princeton. Minn CAFE 80. Minn, town 4 000 well eouipned. low rent. 5 living rooms, priced low at $1 500.
NATL BUSINESS SHO- KERB E. 1515. CAFE, 1st class, good paying. 2 cafes, cheap, 1 for $500, buyers only, going away, forced to sell. Writ.
S8931 Tribune. CAFE Minnesota, $200 buvsi Hurry. AL. Innesota, Worthln 0 mlth. gton.
Minn. CAFE Good location, low overhead. 131 dally sales. Price $450. GB.
1561. CAFE Ac hamburger stand for sal. Red adpi. i.aie. Anoka.
Minn, CIGAR stand, soft drinks, sandwich shoo. iood corner across Irom large oillc. blog. No night or Sunday work. Receipts 13C-140 now, In summer, Berger A Baker Bldg MA.
2342. COFFEE shoo, loon offics bldg, no night or Sunday work, seating 110. excellent location. $1 .275 cash handles. Berger As Co Baker Bldg.
MA. 2342. CONF -LUNCH. 8. Minn, town of 3,000.
$5,000. Good for drugs. Msy tsk. trsd. for Income pronerty in this part of st a I e.
Wr it.eX 1 74rrbunei soda Ic. box, 4 booths. 1525 handles.Berer,MA.2343 COIN MACHINES of different vsrletles fog sale cheap. Bchommer Newcomb Store Flxtur. 605 N.
4th st. DRESS shop, established 6 vrs. As living "Of carllne. 930 Chicago, Apt. 3.
-1 DRESSMAKING Ac hemstitching, 12 owner retiring; pargain. ma. joou. THIRD Interest In distributing company. nesting equipment; also control manufacture.
Costs average 1-3 sales prlc, flljAHQ "location. For Information call et 1786 University Bt, Paul, or phone AT. 1653. FILLING" battery shop, equipped, sal. or will rent battery shop separately.
Easy terms. 2548 Hiawatha av OARAGE for sal. or rent, n.w building. only one in town -of soo population. Write Henry Euken.
Frasee. Minn. OARAGE business and equipment, cheap it taken at once. Writ. Y3414 Tribune.
LARGE downtown long eat. business. Price 1900. Write AB7J Tribune. OROCERY acrosa from large H.
8.. no rixttirea to buv wnicn include eoda fountain, nrlce 1904). Berger Ce Buker Bldi MA 3142 GROCERY Large aot7 street level. beautiful ei.e. refrlg dismay cast, strictly cab At carry.
11.350 cash handles. Berrer Co JBakerJ idg.MA2342 OHOCERY-This ator. changed hand one. in 14 years. Receipts 135 day.
Rant $20 mo, Big snap. $85, Call at 125 10th st, A PT." GRticER 2 rooms furnished. Chess for cash. Will take car en trad. BR.
1 3967. CROC. good for 150 dally. fuQ, complete stock, best buv Mols at 11.150, By appointment only. Call KE.
7217 stock 2 furn. log rent. Can't be beat for 1395. Call KE. 7287 187, OROCERY confect.
146. south, price I 3 rooms, bath. ren. $45, south, price 1654 cash bandies. Bars- tr Baker Bldg MA.
2342. OROC. A car line, corner. 1 Is a. living-room.
Rent 135. Pile. $100 haoaiea. GB. good neighborhood, liv.
rsna. Doing good bus. Terms. OE. 4412 t5ROCERY near resfdenflal hotel, good value atJS.MB.
rger MA, 3343 GROCERY Liv. rms fine res. section. clean sck.njct buslnes. 157 KE.
030L GROCERY GE. 9297 GROCERY, stock fixtures. friglSalre, nlc. tlvtngjooma. 8.
C. district, DC. Mil. GROCERY, extralarge stock, iplendis. location Ac business.
DI. 1450 OROCERY 3 rooma no compewtlon A oopOTtunltyforjoupU.Dtl45. ORO-'ERY, living rms. fin. busmes.rentjl3S.$e3J,MA.36.
olace. clean stock IS lures, reas.jent, OwnerjiU. 1144. GROCERY." 3 living rm must sell thai week tor 1750. HY, 4004, OROC.
Ac cooling city. reas. ily, exe. loc eer Owner. KE.
1303. CROC, aot bldg liv rms big sk, Una fix KE. 68J0. 6rOC. BO, "RUS B.
RENT 121. WILL 1NV01CEU')4504 GkOC. meat, best buy in city, do large volume. Other Interest. OE.
44J3. HAMBURGER shop, Toooths. Henn. av. A good spot.
No Call between I. it I m. KE. 4473. HAMBUHGEtl Car llne" locstlSn.
"rent liT. healed, tuiiv eoulpwd. 1171 bandies. GE. liSl aar.dw'.ch shoo, good loe- living rm 1354 Mr.
Whelan. MA. 3 MIX to-n im ml ine-t corner. 73 rooms At csle space. No turnisnnr Price terms.
NAT L. BU8INE5BBROKEH8, tilt, HOI EL-rros hse rms. running wster, baths alwars full Ciregmaunres offer somrone a good deal. Oaner 334 8 10th 1 ROOM hotel, newly sellltif cheao sccjiunt of death 13J Nicollet, HOTEL for rent. 1123 heated lurni.
lure teas. See Freeman. HOTFL. 21 resms. at Alsanorla.
Minn. jn.000Jtendies at "General inaurance agency, doin large volume of buinea. An opportunity to make money. Writt Trihutvt for full Partjrulara. LAUNDRY, old tsbllshed So.
well esiuieoed. snuit have at least 11 50 rash. terms No other need aoply. Writ TBur.e. MnttiRV annd loon location, rent lt htd attractively qeco'a--o.
win good living, total investment 1500. heraer Co Bsker LUNCH ROOM seating 27. busy south lo cation across Irom tneaier. its romoeu-ion. terms.
Brf rMAjJtj; LUNCH rm forcrd to ifll for eash, an. reas. offer takes it. Call 1131 Central av. LUNCHROOM Bmell placi but a real mnneymaxer.
w-niuaa. Price 13S Bom. terms. 135 8 10th it. LUNCHROOM-1250, fine place, rel sse- rifiee.
at once he MEAT "market. I5f5, Including inventory, 3-man snop. rem actus' worm 11.000 HY. 3113. MEAT market, doing goon business, golnt Veterans hospital, resioenee local ion.
established 10 years. AT 2J3I. MECHANIC and blackrmlth to rent urate in good small town on er before Anr. 1st, Write T6 Tribune MILLINERY-Capable woman partner tt) downtown established milliner ahop IfO investment required. 31 Itl st AT.
1617 OIL STATION for ssle or lesse. busv islanfl corner. rentl73. owner ta jni PLA8TEP.INO A NO PATCHING. PRICi.8, WORK OUAR.Dy3I43.
PRINTINO slant. Will take In partner who is combination nresimsn-orinter or ul.aycMji Is ht Write Y3773 Tribune BUST shop In downtown asr. Splen- dld epp. Prlc. 14nq.
Writ. AI70 Tribune, SALE. Mscbln.rr. ofCc. fixtures, ants trucks, real estate, lumber, sash ana door materials, to b.
soid MARCH 15. 1 9 1 2 OCIOCK OLSON A BFRLEY BASH At DOOR CO J1W1 Brrsnt av 8 Everything to be Open for inspection at your ronvennnee JOHN M. JOrTVSFN. RE. 6341.
Receiver. RESTAURANT on "TJ" camous seating 351 doing sns-sioo oaiir. rem si.t. nta reas sacrifice 13.600 handles. Berger Baker Blds.MA.3343 RESTAURANT, rooms, oil station, rent reasonable, duv equipment, nignwav.
iw A 12. 8llver Leaf Mapl. Plain. Minn. RESTAURANT, grocery end rooms.
owner. 307 Johnson st ne. RMO. H8E 17 4 garages, watsr. This olsce must be sold.
i4Jst avj newly dec income stao, vent RMINO. house 20 good furn rune mng water, pare, wj cieveni. nn. -otsa. RMINO.
house. 10 neatly turn I garages, pays part oi rent, ai. 9." RMO HOUBE. 13 rms. close In.
renl 131. newly decorated, easy tcrms.MA.. 3.6. ROOMING house. I rooms but etitr a sjt.
i) am av OROC. bungalow, stnctiy moo. Houtn near a scnonis. snai t.n. av ROOMING house.
10 rooms. Oood furnish ings, goo aown. rnons ma. ROOMINO house. I close In.
low rent, choice ot two, im istn st. RMO. HOUSE, 23 running water, nicely must sell. MA. 3160.
RM.HOU8E 14 all filled. No renl April ist. aown terms, us, sw. ROOMINO house. 24 rooms, all filled, bit POSITIONS WANTED MEN MISCELLANEOUS FORTY-FIVE year old man wants steady ioh.
Fartnrv. farm or resort work. Car penter a helper and handy man. Have own tool outDt. reieienres.
wau unit 2507 or write A832 Tribune LAUNDRY sales promotion manager, experienced, will Increase your business. nrovenmetsJrUeLUpjjrrJbmie. INDUSTRIOUS niBn. 27. vfisnes employment of any kind.
exo. In carpenter, painting ii garden work. Call AT. 2642. MIDDLE-AGED couple wants caretaking, carden and nursery exn.
HY. 4634. RELIABLE, honest young man wants any kind of work. AT. 5375.
Aot. 1. YOUNG man with car wishes work, will do light delivery. VU.JWU. YOUNG married counle.
no children, want lake resort work. Write A2371 Tribune NEED work, chauffeur, clerical, shoo or other. Small wages. HY. 8818.
EXPERIENCED chef will prepare meals for priva a parties. Call RE.842 1 MARRIED MAN WASHES WORK OF ANY KIND. AT. 1782. HELP WANTED MEN FARM HELP FARMER with stock and machinery, to oDerate farm near city.
p. wnuney. 42nd St. WA. 0228 WANT experienced farm hand, kind with stock, clean habits, steady work.
Pem- berton.Eden Pralrle. SHakgne. lSls HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS COOK. $60, Rm. (skI.
35-45) Dak. Hotel. WILCKEN EM PL. 404 Kasota Bldg. WANTED Exo.
cook, young Sunday. 128 7th St. man, 9:30 PROFESSIONS AND TRADES BLACKSMITH wanted. Must be good plow man. Clear Lake, Minn.
V. B. Anderson. DECORATOR to work out part rent in flat. Adultg only.
Write A841 Tribune. REGISTERED optician and watch maker combination. Permanent employment. Call LOcust 1303 for appointment; WANT carpenters to furnish material A labor to build a houseboat A take clear land In payment. WA.
2618. FURN. rms. to Swedish counle, assist snare time, call aiternoon, bk. mii WANTED A-I general garag.
mechanic ith a following, LO. 0166. FILLING station on. that It able to bring In the business. LO.
0166. WANTED Masseur living near 18th 4 2nd av S. Write Y3778 Tribune. SALESMEN AND SOLICITORS SALESMAN WANTED. Want 4 or 5 experienced real estate salesmen with automobiles.
Hava ood proposition to live men. Must js ana 49 years ol office. REAL ESTATE MART. 422 Hodgson Mnls. 6e.
8331. SALESMAN Salary 118 per week and com mission. Must be married. Between 25 and 35 yrs. of age.
Able to furnish best of references and bond. Tell us about your ouaiincationi in nrst letter. Writ. J51Tribune. SALESMAN, experienced in notions and lancy dry goods to call on variety stores and dry goods.
Represent New York nrm. Good references required Sunday only. Radlsson hotel, room 931 SALESMAN By Major Oil Company to nanaie jonDing business in liukottis. Must be experienced and willing to establish residence on territory, Write YH48 Tribune. SALESMEN Experience unnecessary, easy sales pun, new depression proof product, costs 25c.
aulckly sells Itself for $1. See C. L. Brown. Vendom.
hotel, all day Sunday. Monday till 1 p. m. Out of town applicants send 25c for sampl. and particula rs.
SALESMEN women In Twin Cities At western states to sell finest line of neckwear at astounding prices. Depression your best help. K. Burch 7th st Minn. 8ALESMEN wanted to sell life, accident A health insurance.
A direct home ofiice contract. Apply Monday. Mr. Osterberg or jvir. crueii.
706 Plym, Bigg. SALESMEN $2 will start you in your own business. 511 Lumber Exch. SALESMEN to sell black walnuts (shelled) in ceiophane pkgs. 211 1st av n.
SALESMEN 25e necessity with premium. aasy pronts. 830 Lumber Exchange. DISTRICT MGRS. AND SALESMEN.
We have openings in different towns throughout Minnesota for men between 30 and 50 WHO ARB LOOKING TO THE FUTURE. No limit to income. Experi ence is not necesssry: we educate you free. MUST HAVE CLEAN RECORD. EDUCATED, FORMER EXECUTIVES.
SALESMEN. PREFERRED. In reolv advise age. married or single, past employment. Confidential.
Policies of the Times, age 35. 145 75, $5,000. Other ages accordingly. Kansas City Life, 73 million assets. 1103 Foshav Tower irrnMrmn.u RALESMEN WHY LIMIT YOUR EARNINGS? Th.
sue- cessnu salesman is not uitiitra in me possibilities ot greater Income. If you would like to earn more money lnvesti-BfltA the onnorttlnlties offered In selling our exclusive line of General Motor Cars. W. have opening for 3 men. on our sales force, floor days It leads fur- ntch.ri flee Mr CI Mnnlnn.
Stephens' Buick 18-24 th. AT. 6571, urmstr t.n house, resulsr route, salesmen lOOKing ior a low pneeu uieiiiuuuu sideline product every house wife uses and wants should write us immediately. Minneapolis concern, good commission. State line selling now.
Writ. K1991 Tribune. ROCHESTER. Mankato. Bt.
Cloud. Minn. Sioux Falls, watertown, o. territory open for exp. insecticide slsmn.
Have car, furn. bond, to sell Tanglefoot Co prdts. on comm. Hdqtrs. In above towns.
Aoply letter only. A. V. Runzel. 423.
3rdst Mpls. SELL stores lower priced, bigger value sales cards. Comnlet. line. All rnmnetittnn beaten.
AsDirin. 5C. Rassr blades. 2 lor 5c. Mor.
profit for you and dealer, racs 'ree. fj-satu, Dept. spencer, ma OUT of town thread and yarn mfr. de-ilre Twit, Cit.v renresentatlon. 8ales agenty or salesman handling kindred lines, possibility lor salesman now wording out of bom.
to have olflce. Writ. Yl-48 Tribune. HTOH-CLAKH salesman who can snow rec ord of $4,000 per yesr and up. Invest ment or real estate experience beneficial Write for annoiotment.
giving experi ences for last i years. Write 69304 Tribune. BIG MONEY STEADY High grade cov eralls, shopcoats, pants and shirts. Adv lettered nn bark. Fast sellers.
Gt. dem Prospects everywhere, Fre. outfit. Strong Mfg. 905 Jackson, Chicago.
SUCCESSFUL advertising special salesmen. we oner a complete line 01 aavertistna and commercial pencils. Liberal commission paid promptly. Real co-operation. St.
Louis Pencil 8t. Louis, Mo. PERIODICAL subscription salesmanager or crew manager, commission ana over ride on crew subscriptions. State exnerirnce, phone number in applica tion. Write 68693 Tribune.
Bin new lira counter displays, aspirin, razor Diaaes. mercuroenrum-, iuvuw goods, everything. 50 numbers, lowest prices, protected territory, tvraig't u- enu MEN Ac women In Twin Cities r. north west states to sell iinesi 11ns 01 neca-wear at astounding prices. Depression your h.lo.
Write E. L. Burch. 7th st. or.
caiiounaav QUICK seller and repeat commissions without eaii-Dacks; no nouse-io-nouwi no high pressuie: $6 profit on $5 sale. Writ, to A. Holzman. Oeneral Motors New York. WE have now a special opportunity In th.
domestic stoker dept. A successful oilburner or.anirer would fit in. Iron Fireman Coal Stoker 120 2nd av 8. LOCAL representative, educated, food mli-er, city and smaller towns; exceptional opportunity for large earnings; new organisation; no competition. Writ.
Tl Tribune. ivv wasjt a men tn call cm retail stores. in Mnit anil vicinity, muat hav. good record and car. with plenty of ambition.
Call AT. 8009 for anp t. MAN to sell new item, sells on sight: u.nmen. rime ator.a. department stores; buy large quantities: 200 'e profit.
Iure- xa. Dept. x. Hoi arosoway. INDUSTRIAL Insuranc.
salesmen, must have experience in nouse 10 noun canvassing, reterencsi required, 1114 Wesley Tempi. Bldg iMEN with cars to travel In Minn, ter- nrv miisl nirn. a-i reierenre ana oe able to flv. bond. Call BR.
2724 after p. m. Tuesday lorappt I SALESMEN with or without cars. on. financially am.
to act as state representative. Inquire Sunday or Monday. 3138 Glrard S.Apt "tiav-n-nnR." Beau llful colors, delightful odor makes sales easy. Brand new Idea. Not mothpads.
25c seller. 17c profit. Rm. 42, 1786 Hen. WE have opening for two drivers on cookie route; must nave car or truck.
920 Broadway. VERLASTING Match, most useful novel ty. Bens nn sight. New Method Bales 519 Met. Bank Mpls.
CAPABLE SALESMEN, must" have esecu tive ability, leads furnished. Write Y.s.i Tribune. DISTRICT manager salesmen, no limit to income, ask lor Mr, Taylor, 112 Lum ber EXP. MAN to call on office managers, fsst selling. uoerai commission.
1.. Brouahton. 513 4th av BE. ALL TOWNS U. 8..
good repeats, big prof it. Fre. sample. M. J.
Duigan. 733 No La Salle Chicago. IIL rtTV At at.ate distributors who era finarr. dally able to handle fast s.Ulni 25c necessity, write Tribune. PAINT MEN A new advertising paint deal that's a knockout.
Bold direct. Exo. men oniv. Tues. k.u.
su 1st rs. tlra salesmen fnr Minn No. At 60. Sskoti. Inland Tire Bales, 11m Harmon ntsce.
MAN with ear. For superior cooked meal products, to seii aiurra, luacn couuvcis, etc. Write L1303 Tribune. SUSINEHB oriportunitles and real estate salesman, automooii. requireo, write A936 Tribune PURO" mntK pads, 8c.
Discount on com nlete llnjJS. 4h kKom 414, SELL farm electric plants tn 109 nirkmire-El-Co 612 MctC Bide Mpla MEN w'itri'ciri to call on grocery trade. Call tt f.i Lsk. st. city.
INVEeTTlOATE hottest 10 rtPISt.r IDd BtctMlly, 401 Ksiotl Bids. WILL trad? Kras rifle. 45 Colt. 23 revolver. 6-inch barrel, bench drill press.
6-lnrh Braider. 1-3 H. P. 3 500 r.d some smeller elec. motors, want 22 rifle, binoculars.
32 Colt or movt camera Wcekdavs only. .,312 Harmon C. E. 6treed. iE.n.3.J.y1?4.
189 SO ELFCTHIC 9-tuo. Plnico radio, table lamp, marble stand, silk shade, cheao for cash or trade for turKevs or Leelinrn chicks or pullets. Call Monday, Ive.rson. 38 11th St. AT.
7032. 3. ALOFS rrpesting magazines Makes repeaters of any bsrrrl shot run. i Trade for Win chester shot sun. typewriter, GLad- ton 1551 it prwwv nin machine, some raying 10 fn- reffiKter bakery, rest aurant equipment, late Ford, or grocery.
F. Johnson. Way- zata. Minn. no.
1 j69 50 LATEST Hoover cleaner attachments for harness, chickens, stock or anything I ran us. on farm. Will sell forS55. a.rn. WILL trade my -tub.
cabinet radio for living rm. tet, rugs, or what have you? Radio in A-l condition, cost 1182, Write 125D 'iriDune 1929 GARDNER straight eight aedan. have no use for it. will trade for lake shore or sell chean for cash. J.
Tillman. 63 1 SE. Mnls. $75 DESK and chair, sac. $25 or out board motor.
Will do car repairing in trade, guns, motors, radio, what? 2900 av B. GENERATOR starter coll, other parts, and trailer, tor ouiuuniu uiuiu, 10015 EIjE. Hiboy for scrip, gems, rugs; 5-tube battery set complete for laying hens, or Hi. Bilii TWIN CITY pipeless furnace, trade tor mrtal turning lathe, outboard motor or what have you? DU. 4733.
WANTED To exchange. Encvelooedla Brl- tannica. lor msiormiia nisiuiv ui mr WTorld. Write A640 Tribunej CORP sedan. cost $3,500.
run oniy 1.5.1 miles, what have you In trade? Write E8927 Tribune, 21 J. HAMILTON R. WRtch. used 3 months, as part payment on 29 Ford. GE.
5413. wnsi vo yu i it if TRADE stock racks, lumber. Ford coach tires, Vlctroia ior woon, cut or on siump. 3438 4th st N. HY.
8987. 9-TUBE hiahboy radio 'or Graybar stimu lator, exen. ior nearm. suao or what have you? WA. 6756.
SAVAGE snorter. A-l for out board motor; wiu pay some casn. uu. 4629. WANTED elec.
washer, kero. stove or heat- rola for white enamel not roim eiec. stove. 4534 Queen WALNUT aplnet desk for brown or beige fur coat, mav oe worn out must d. kooo auallty.
RE. 3257. WILL sell or trade my equity In mod. home. large so.
porcn, on nign-wav. Robbinsdale. CH. 1238. WANT lake prop, or car.
trade for dry cleaning, tailor ana apron snop. uu. 5847. repairing and cleaning or new jack- queue ior rug. sewing matu.
vt iijui gun. DR. 0547 INCUBATORS, 1 60 egg and 1 350. Trad. Ior electric wasner or wnar.
nave your B. H. M.whorter. Columbia Hgts. RteS.
8UBURBAN lot. clear, 7 ml. from Mpla. naved n. w.
no. oj. taae raaio or wnair Write A2535 Tribune COMB. BATTERY radio pnonograpn, want eiec. set or wast navo ruur 5fil7.
PAINTING and decorating in exchange for dentistry or gooa usea car. i-nv. ur Ford coupe preferred. WA. 1467.
TRADE, pistols. .22 rifle, speedboat or auto painting, (uuco spray ior anyimng oi use. 3iao rark. ws, uuo. COIN collection, sale or trade.
TJ. 8. foreign, valuable, wnai nav. your 1558. WANT car for aot.
or rm. rent Chev. or Ford. 30-31 pret. write inouur.
LAKE shore land, exchang. Ior repairs on house. Kfc. eu3i WANT auto painting or anvthlng of value in exch. ior oentistry.
nc. wo. C. SMITH typewriter for electric radio. 1829 5th av B.
API. 1UJ. NEW 1928 Buick standard radiator, com nlete, cheap. 4122 isi avo. MECH: work exch.
for wrecked cars, sell orWajleJJWopd.ATJiJ883J LAKE lot. near Bralnerd. lor dining rm. set. Hi.
esu. 1930 OR LATER Ford or Chev. lv-ton trucjtduais.swap anana nav. em. mji.
rAKE cottage at Pequot. for light car or $200 cash. DI. 0564. FUR jacquette made of your coat.
$5. 5038 18th 8V B. UK. 4 LOT Nokomis trad, for pool hall or? Clarence. RE.
7110 8TARCK Plaver piano, atd. make, good traae ior usea car. ttr. qigv. PIANO tuning for groceries or anything I can use.
wagei. uu. on 'TRADE new elec. refrigerator for Chev. '28 coupe.
KE. 0381. DECORATING, repairing for groceries, jur nlture. car or what? MA. 0911 OVERLAND 26 coach for hors.
1.200 to 1.500 IDS. 1827 LMlPOm I. WANT to swap standard tractor for small baker oven, uiiiiis RENT of apartment for elec. roof or what have you. ue.
e.iun. CEMENT work, plaster natchlng for rent, groc. casn. GE. 487B.Kea.JKei.
TRADE good lake lot tor groceries, gas or anything 1 can use, uc. anai EXCHANGE reliable dental services for tailoring or anything ot vaiue. na. iiui. ELEC.
RADIO for auto radio, auto or charger, amp, oattcries. ajt warq. 7-TUBE battery radio for coal range or model Ford. 3400 St. Robbinsdale.
STUDE. sedan, good shape, $30 and traae Hurry. jiuiiis. MARRIED man will exchange decorating for living quarters, writ. idtu.
sntnine. NOODLE complete with motor, yery cheap, will traae. ma. qbu. WILL do oaperhanglng.
calming for piano or doctor wors un. ojh. SELL or trad, tent, cycle sld. ear. Neon sign At araw.
set. ks. MAN'S 17 lewel Bulova wrist for pump aun or trailer, write uma lTioune. NEW 135 5ft bicycle, best offer or swao What have you? no iin avja, ELECT, icebox, exch. for car.
Murphy bed for what7 2Bi5Bryanto BUY or rent office desks, chain and typewriter, Monoay. Bit itwi. SIGN PAINTING for anything usable, need desk, trailer. iqafr.jrvA.aM PLAYER PIANO. GOOD CONDITION.
FOR CAR. NO JUNK. 3049 CLINTON AV 8. DINING rm. set Ice box.
sell or trad. for tires, juxsau, aT.rcc... TRAILERS, gas rang, for radio or any- ing.j.c an.use, i TRAILER, trad, for vacuum cleaner. HY. 3M4 FURNITUr.E for light dellvary; prefer Chev.
ii30 litn av WAP '28 Durant sedan for any mak. couoe. di. WILL trade good used tires for anything 1 ran use. jiib lynaaien FURNITURE, new.
exchange for plumbing Inaulr. Mrs. Benson 3834 Chicato av 8 DRESSES, suits Ac fur neck pieces, xch. ior dressmaking. Lo.aovo.
RUGS, 9x12. like new. chean. Trade fnr car. Leaving town ous Kingewnoa av.
DIAMOND to trade fnr cheap car or out board motor. AT. 9064. WILL trade boat Ac trailer for cheap autflt- mooiie. 41M tvueen MARLIN No.
29 22 caliber rifle, trad, for typewriter. DR. 3328. EXCHANGE tailor mach. for tailor made suits.
3312 4th av b. uo right. COLT pistol $45, violet rav, want boat. coit woodsman. HOME movie outfit for good violin or wnati Barnarg.
Locust L02i, EXCH. new arcessorles, ear, seat covers tor closed car. CH. 2411. LIVESTOCK 3 YOUNO large Holstetn cows.
Just fresh, also 4 farm horses Ac 3 mares, weighing 1 juo iuu losais ana av SOME good cheap tarm norses. sound and gentle. Milk Co. Barn, 1401 lib si 8. Barn man.
JUT In with a real load of N. D. chunks. Well broke and must as sold. Central av anq vtn av jne FOR SALE 17 fresh cows.
45 mules. N. W. of Twin Cities. For information, sec Mr Knutson.
818 6th at 8. Mnls. NEW breeching harness. 125un. used harness and saddle taken In trade.
Write for catakig. HrglandHarnes. 19WashN. BAY 'team i tioo. 1110: brown team.
2 800. 1125 Harness Hell separate, good workers. Rear, 3604. Central av. 1FAM brown mares.
2 700. 1110- biark team. 2IM) 1125 harness, gentle, aood workers. ell separate. 2519 nth av8.
DEAD and disabled horsea eowa." r- mond fte. within 40 ml. of Mnls Hoglund Btos OL. 1421. Reverse phone charges.
JJAD of horses and mares snd harness. t-eqar Ave. wood yard lane stn St. 8. FARM equipment, machinery, rstiie.
teed 1 rrssoneoie. tt. Ruin, south Haven Minn. Rt. I.
GUERNSEY row. age 5. wt. 1 200. ail jurham cow, $20.
Will 3225 I 31t st. NOTICE 500 old horaea wanleit iTthi7 alj Fox FrmUpont8i47. Mpla. 3 GOOD farm horses, sound. IV.
ml. of Brco*klvn Center store. HY 9371. TEAM seldinss. wgt.
hsrniss. waeon niow. cheao. 6900 Portlsnd. CHUNKY bsy team.
wt. 2 750, lijorplaek sienue; lil2rortlend, flP team llST'cow narneesiaz 4tB st H. TWO nice young fresh Guernsey cows for asle. 2755 Marshall st NE calf JM3 Bloomlnston iv -pi MARE, In sound, good worker. (106 Washburn av 8.
At harness, from 1.206 2 000 i' matrons 1 sns. 330 7th st BE. 200 TON baled hsv lnd straw for sal. ft Little Buffalo Minn 1 30 2 IF 60 TRADE AND PROF. SCHOOLS DRESSMAKING course.
Individual tion. Alyce Jayne, 625 Nic. Rm. Kresg. Bldg.
itten-329. TAKE advantaue of our offer to learn baibrlngFreecataloe. 213 Hennepin av. $39 00 BEAUTY COURSB COMPLETE Hollywood Beauty School, 624 Hennepin, POSITIONS WTD WOMEN DRESSMAKERS SEAMSTRESSES HAVE your Easter clothes mad. now.
prices right, hish class dressmaker. 601 Nicollet. Rm. 301. IDA LOUISE will sew in your horn, at reduced rates, tailoring and remodeling, shoo work.
KE. 8647 EXPERT personal dressmaking. Batlsfae- tion guarantecq. dr. DRESSMAKING, alt.
fur jackets, coats re-lined, reas. KE. 6737. 2015 Aldrich 8. CUT prices, suits, coats, dresses.
12 or II; styles, perfect fitting. LC. 1 10J5. SUIfS, coats, dresses, made to order. Alyce Jayne, 628 Nlc.
(Rm. 339) Kresge. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS POSITION as housekeeper In hotel or raort. 720 S. 5th 2nd 11,, apt.
2. HOUSEHOLD AND DOMESTIC DEPENDABLE middle age ladv wishes housekeeping. Will leave city. Call CH. 7273 or writ.
Mrs. Livingston, 3734 Mor- RESPECTABLE Christian wish. apt. met. or hskpg.
in motherless bom. MA. 0337. WIDOW wishes to keep house, good cook or cnamber work. Good, lotn av upstairs.
RESPECTABLE woman will work for board and good home. Adults, Leave city. Write A03 Tribune. PERMANENT Wtri. hskn.
nn In aentle man's home by middle-aged widow. Full cnarges. pet, pnone 4U eunqay. LADY cook, good on pastry, dinners, chick, en, steaks, manager. Write A865 Tribune.
EADY needs w'or day or hr. MAln 847L Bas. apt. Hetty. GIRL WISHES HOUSEWORK.
LO.3643. GOOD strong girl wants housework, south preferred. KE. 67 60. REFINED mlddleaged 00 washing, adults.
Excellent cook. Kef. DI. 1113. WIDOW wishes position, good home, as nsapr, or nurses' exp.
it H4u, EXPERIENCED cook Ac any kind ot house work.steaay or by day. RE. tJQ9. SEVENTH day ad. girl wish for sen, house wpr s.uaij j8 0 1 CAPABLE woman want plain housework 12.50 or 13.
CH, (544. GIRL 22. with teaching experience wants nouseworg. wcicrencc. uu.
mm. TRAINED nursemaid, ref. Call DU. 4671 Deior. 1 p.
m. etunaay, WIDOW with girl I 6. wants housekeeping. Room BJnjpln ntrineu widow wisnes nskpg. wos, in motherless home or small fam.
DR. 7916, YOUNO GIRL desires housekeeping or nouseworg. ul. pjai. EXP.
young woman wishes neat anar.11ab.1e. Good cook. 16. MA. JT5t CATHOLIC glrTTiO.
can taxe write A2486 Tribune. SWEDISH ladv with boy I. good worker. can ea. mai or cninton av GIRL assist housework.
Go bom. nignrg. iteierences. Atlantic reliable older girl, housework in small family. Wrlte A2391 Tribune LAUNDRESSES AND DAY WORK FAMILY washings wanted, call and deliver, work guaranteed, fiat finish te lb.
CAPABLE woman with best of references. wishes daywork. LO. 0553. SaTwork of ahv kind don.
very r.aaon- a We, DI J03 1 NEED work, day or hour, rxo. Good work- er. Scandinavian. Call MA. EXPERIENCED worker, colored woman.
wisheaday work anyJilnd. Call CO.7433 CLEAN reliable German woman wants day work. MA. 39,3. Rm.
202. YOUNG Scan, woman wants any kind of day work. DI. 1088. Cltv r.f.
WOMAN WOULDsLIKB DAY WORK. DU. Wash Il5o! Ironing In my home, good work. reas. DU.
5647, NURSES AND GOVERNESSES NURSfl Obstetric, and any case Com- panlon. Will ttavel. Exp. In snanaglr.g nut- n.uir L'n. EX-SCHOOL teacher wishes nurse or gov.
EXP. registered nurse, desires practical nursl ni OL.58 1 3. GRADUATE nursing of any kind. jrSfe. to travel Ref.
DU 8294 NURSE WOULD LIKE POSITION. CALL KE. 3244. CAPABLE nurse wishes employment, ton-slder any type of cases JR.M9 PR ACT. nurse, hosoita! desires easi.
assist cltv rer HY. 6471. PROFESSIONS AND TRADES LICENSED ladv chauffeur, city or travel. Good ref. CH.
7233 TYPIST WANT8 WORK AT HOME REAi LO Mag. STORE AND OFFICE NOTICE! STENOGRAPHER will work from a iti until 1 ior ts a week, write A904 Tribune. TYPING done at home, reasonable, ex- ceiieni work assured. CO, 4654. BOOKKEEPER 8 ten.
wishes position, good ref oalarv reas. LO. 3982. EJtPERIENCEb. raosbl.
steho. dealrM posit Ion. JLtrfs.GL. 7026jrbank you. STENOO.
and bookkeeper, experienced, best refer. Call HY, 3495. STENOGRAPHERS, TYPISTS EXP. 8TB.NO B1LLER GOOD AT FIO- -Rra AND DEI AIL. WRITS LU0S TRIBUNE.
MISCELLANEOUS CbMMERClAL artist, hand bills, atenne. rapher beauty operator, drive your car. as. (jaw. COUPLE wanta work as csr.taker.
Cal HY B279 LADY, quiet, useful refined. Take care of or seed GE. 6413 YOUNG reliable couple desires position as msio ana cnauneur. irn. 4003.
GIRL wishes switchboard work, relief or lull ume BR, 4616, T6obb reils rile "colored" women Janl-tress. Try us. H. class ref. KE.
407. HELP WANTED WOMEN HOUSEHOLD AND DOMESTIC COOK. $50: Maids 115.140? Bee ALL SERVICE BUR. 214 Tribune Annei OIRL to cook on. meal (dinners).
Oood pay. Bears-Hoepuck district. MAln 914. GIRL for general housework, small fam Alr Call In. person, 1350 Washburn GIRL Exo.
housework. nlaln eonklne washing. adults. 4901 Lyndal. 8.
LO. 3162 OIRL assist housework, go home nights. st gist, write L10I9 Tribune OIRL to assist eves, tn exchange for part rm. sua nq, 4787. GEN.
ioba. cltv ref 15-110. Wesley Empl. Bcrv. 206 Wesley Temple.
HOUSEKEEPER, betw. .10 16. In ant bldg. for janitor, wages 13 wk. Phone us.
11 1 no sun. oniy. writ. 0B612 HOUSEKEEPER, day work. car.
fnr rhll dren. Go torn, nights. Call Monday. DI 2698., eiaeriy woman ana crop, aaugn- wr, smau comp.
k. ivn. 70 pieaaant. OIRL assist housework, "it wk. 17H Bryant av N.
HOU8EKEEPER wanted on farm, small compensation. rms. welson. Minn WOMAN to assist with housework, prlv. rm, board Ai soma compensation.
Ciil Mon. RE. 4433. WOMAN prefers good borne and privileges to salary, gen, nswg. uupont o.
YOUNO girl, assist mod. farm home near city. Neat, clean sndjwllllng; II wk. 3 children, writ. Aim Trioune BIN6LK woman housekeeper on farm for board, room, toiuna.
nout. oetnii, Minn. OOOD natured woman to help with house work ior room ooara on iarm. write Tribune. EXP.
OIRL for good 12.00 wk. Bun, J-B P.m. jjn rremont n. Apt, j. NEAT girl.
Ileht housework. 13 board and room. 4934 ceaar av tr6r)Dc6ok wlshei work, city ref. Call GE.7003. GOOD home oTfcired woman In exchange 1 1 L.
r'li OR7B IOC I1IC1IUIIIS fX. 11,11, win. v. good cook, I adults. Tine nome.
Mon 1 or ivm. WAITED Girl for housework. S2.M wk 1111 m. ant a. MIDDLE aged woman, care of baby, Rf.
1701 piymounupstairs. NEAT, willing, capable woman. eom- Densstton 3438Washlngton av H. COttHTRY OIRL WANTS HOUSEWORK, DUPONToms. NURSES AND GOVERNESSES NURSE or woman competent to care for Jngs mst na.uAn.
nai in vniir nnmn. ni rrounu1 r.v, Ma nrii, tal, Institutional pos. anywn.r?. Bureau. 145-134 45tn, New yora PROFESSIONS AND TRADES BEAUTY operator, exo.
in all branches for nwn cisss cneni.i.. uau ounu nvwi A At ni7i fxPERfENCED "Furnilure "slip cover eiiU ter. Must have first class refirenc. writ. BB3Z4 Tribune.
SALESWOMEN CADIES with social connectlnn. earn easily 1100 wkly. Ar more. Call Bun. Mr.
uitnn 3i Piym. Bids. jALES'LADY. VerfTilgfiVst type, firoiil) sales. Salsry upwards from 1160 mm.
SALESWOMAN for local rj'all necessary. Position permanent Oood Income Apply Monday. 10 to II 9ny. xmpiormint Manaisr, 3U anarus sjius I 3 3 2 3 SALESWOMEN WOMEN (J) ambitious, alert, as. 28, for mecial work.
Satisfactory compensation to those selected. Apply In person Monday morning, 9 to 13. Room 218, LaSall. Bldg. WOMEN As hlah as 110 or mor.
dally. snowuia new remarkable women neces sity, no experience needed. MQ Boot jos. at. paui.
Minn WOMEN to sell article in demand, every one a prospect. Call Tuesday. 2200 Harriet av. R. p.
Sales Co. WANTED Refined lady, good complexion. sounq connections, permanent position, ttmdnay. phon. for ap.t.
KE, 3960 or HE. 8755. SALESLADIES ready for work selling a iaoies necessity. :30 Monday a. jijb utrarq Ant.
1 PLEASANT work selling knitted sports wear: silk frocks direct from factory, liberal com. Write Y3824 Tribune. ESTABLISH own direct hosiery business we nirnisn stock. 3540 av 8. CO.
1990 MISCELLANEOUS GIRLS work for training. Dr. Lab. Tech 41 A-rey. nat i ocnooi Fhyslclsn Ac Den tal Tech, GE.
4349 LADIES 3 wall educated for antes -tiner- V'aZ Andrua Mnll. Out nf town, wril.a. Women of Character Th. general organizer of en internationally known comnany Is in Minneapolis to engage several high-class women; position offers opportunity lor advancement. No Investment: guaranteed Incom.
of sufficient length to become thoroughly established. No information given nor appointments mad. over phone. Call In person aft- er Sunday, Mrs, wei Veedman, Radlsson notel WOMEN Earn 115 to 120 weekly spare lima, snowing gorgeous soring dresses In your home. No invest.
Freei dresses, no canvassing. Write L1001 Tribune. Wanted woman with or jranization ability to travel through atate. Pergonal interview Monday. Salesmanajfer Madam White Coametica.
2526 Nicollet Ave. 115 A WEEK and your own dresses FREE for demonstrating lovely Boring Fashion Frocks. No canvassing. Writ, fully. Give sis and color Fashion rrocks.iJeot p-4jscinclnnatl.
O. EARN 111-150 weekly at home, addressing postal cards. No experience needed, no eanvassing. selling. Nothing to bur Write today, Am.ricas Peoples Lesiue, Berwvn.
Ill MANAGERIAL positions for experienced uruisiuavi uusiiiiutru jraus. AMDir in person Bat. and Monday, 252 Hennepin av. Second floor. LADIES for office of national concern.
soma clerical experience neipiui out not essential, rapid promotion. Apply 301 rivmouin bigs THHE refined ladles. 30 to 45 years for demonstration work. Paid daily, good money. Call Bun.
9.09 te 12:00. DU. 4825. WR have permanent position for blsh trp. lady, 25 to 35, opportunity for promotion certain.
1827 CHICAOO. CAPABLE woman with telephone person- live. Give ag. experience Writ. Y3731 Tribune.
IMMEDIATE PERMANENT AMATEUR AND PROFFsiaioNAL ACTS AT ONCE. 454 SEXTON BLDG HELP WTD MEN, WOMEN MEN and women te sell for Chicago world fair, for Infor aend self-rtamped addr. envelope to 8. Plata, 4740 Patterson av. Chicago.
IlL NEW BAND AGE. "sticks onlv to Itself. No pinning, or fins, selling to drug stores, groc. markets, homes. Bnnk-Helmeke 4105 Chicago av.
Mols. AN OPPORTUNITY to make good money working full or part time Call at 411 LumtL'hn'L Bidk CHAIN sales Dlan. fast 60 Item United Service. Box 195. Red Wing.
Mir.n. SALESPEOPLE, oroio'ct a custosner Mondav.J0 J0JI3 am; 293Hamet av SPEC sakamrn and women, fast selling proAurt QSittmoptr LADIES. 3 sentlenert to work with crew manager Mon. 3437 Btevens av. Apt.
No. AGENTS WANTED A BU8INRSS of vour own making spark ling glass nsme and number plates, checkerboards, aiara bnoa and aam. Die offer Palmer. 312 Wooater. Ohio AGENT8 and crew managers previously sold Jiorex moth psas gel in touch with district manager.
Write Zoro Sales, 34 4th at. St Paul. Minn. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES TEACHER ACENCY SCHOOL teachers, manv positions row open: co-op pian assures ouicg results TREWTEKE AH6N. 1311.
Wichita. Kan DEBT ADJUSTMENTS Help For the Man in Debt Have one place to pay azainat all your bills, with payments arranged to fit your salary. Our service it backed by years of experience, and i strictly confidential Consultation free. Icstmcnt Service Bcreao, Inc. A Clinic for the Debtor 8:30 to 5:30 7 to 9 Monday Eve.
619 Andrus Bldg. PAY OFF YOUR PERT IN MONTHLY PAYMENTS THRU OUR PLAN. NO SECURITY NEEDED. Mutual Service Corp. 228 Mcknight bldg.
ge. 6635 ONLY ONE BILL TO PAY Pool your bills. W. shoulder your dbt burden. Psv whst you can afford FIDELITY FUNDING SYSTEM 111 McKnlsht Bldg; OE.
53JV WE PAY YOUR BILLS. Our financial serv- 1c. stops suns sua gernisnments IQUITY FINANCE CO. 413 Pslscs Bldi BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES APT. OROC, IPT.
FOR HOME. COOK ING, i liv. km. neni. m.
grocery, liv. flne dlst, good stock ana as, mui. AUTO nalnter At body man. excellent spsce tn gsraae. v.ry reasonaoi.
sub Cedar ev BAKERY lunch, Lake Harriet section, sam. owner 4 years, ssttu casn nanqiea. CoBaker. MA. 3343.
BAKERY and lunch where man can make good living. caii uijvjb. BARBER shot) for sale. 2 chairs with liv ing rooms earn, win a $30. 4201 Fremont av N.
BARBER ahop, cheap, cash, good huslhess, call at 1715 Portland, apt. 37. ELEGANT location fnr barber shoo or sho. repair shon with living rooms. M4 Reaentay, cn.
ohol nsnnr.R. and beauty shon for ssis, ress price. 1 beauty op. and I barber. Writ.
mm jTioune. BARBER SHOP, snap If taken It one, perocr i miiin, BARBER SHOP. 1 chair, room for 3, rent 110 Bargain. 3804 Bioomlngtnn BARBER shop, 2 chair, town of 1.300; good sounq prop, writ. a.u BEAUTY shop space barber shoo tor rent, will sell equipment, 8., Mpls.
Call RK IT67 Bun atter 7. BUSINESS IS GOOD List YOUR BUSINESS with an el- gslat llabl gstabllshed, financially sound, and re am, concern. Call us. without ehllss. Ion, BUSINESS BROKERS I 134 MET.
BANK BIDO. OB 1616 fiOAffjlNO huh residence, IS niied. well class very good scrtion. igctllenl wcemi. Writ I314J 1TISUIU, i i $5 BUYS a fast pacing horse which has gone miles in 2:11.
No mark, a years old. seiviceably sound and gentle: color seal brown, stands 16 hands, named Senator LsFollene. The first party here with $5 gets this horse. BARRETT ZIMMERMAN. 1941 University av.
St. Paul. ICE company horses, farm horses and mares and some medium priced saddle horses. Also tin. pur.
bred Belgian stallion. BARRETT A ZIMMERMAN. Mi way Horse Market. St. Paul.
FRESH cow Guernsey service bull, work horses. $25 to $40; 9 teams, weight. 2.400 to 3.000. il in to $175; 5 teams, $75 to $100; these are worg, horsea. H.
Dauehcriy. 2 ml. from Robbinsdale, Rockiord road. Tel. OR.
9036R. TEAM black Pcrcheron mares, age 8. 3.100. Sitiu; Drown ream, o-o, j.iruu, siou. several teams, 2.000 2,800, $75 up.
Several horses 1.000-2.1OO. $25 up. All kinds harness, collars. We deliver free. Bee barn man, 927 Central av, Mpls.
LOOK, we oar up to $20 cash for old horses. W. pick them uo. Write Fox Farm. 2717 30th av or phone DR.
6085. Reverse charges; HEAD of farm horses mares, wt. 1.200 to 1600, guaranteed, will take cattle in exchange. W. F.
Osborne. DI. 2158W. Junction hiithway 6 62. DAPPLED gray horse.
1,400 age 7. $125: bay horse. 1.200 age sioo. I. J.
Hinds. 2 ml. MW, of Bass Lake. Corcoran road WE are always ready to buy and nay cash for horses, harnesses and saddles. BARRETT ZIMMERMAN.
Midway Horse Market. St. Paul. LOOK We pay un to $15 cash for old and disabled horses, we pick them up. write Fox Farm, 3100 23rd av S.
or phone DUpont 8147. Reverse cnarges, FRESH carload of horses and mares, wst. 1.400 to I. boo, $35 up, an norses guar. Felker Smith, 2'i miles N.
of Robbinsdale on J. H. WE will have around 125 horses for our auction Mar. 13. SOUTH ST.
PAUL HORSH MARKET. 8QUTH 8T. PAUL. FOR 6ale or trade Fordson tractor A clow. Spring Food silo filler, for Guernsey or Jersey cow or heifers.
W. J. Faltey- sek. Ht. 3, Hudson.
Wis FARMERS, we pay over the Mnls. quoted marwt ior your live poultry, eggs at dressed veal. Retailers, 6153 Lyndale 3. POULTRY. EGGS SUPPLIES QUALITY PAYS Buy Mlnnetonga.
state accredited cnicks. uoenran, unostiey strains, Whit. Leghorns large type, bred to lay large white eggs. Also heavv breeds. ORDER NOW.
Custom hatching. Visit our up-to-date electrically equipped hatchery. MINNETONKA HATCHERY, St. Louis Park, Minn, (at end of car-line). WA.
6558. READ good poultry magazine. Learn now others make money witn poultry, either as side line or full time occupation. Everv issue full of poultry information. StIU tim.
to Join 11.000 chick contest and win a prize. Five years six months 10c. Poultry Tribune, Desk 104, Mount Morris, 111. HATCHES weekly, Rocks, Reds, Wyn. $8 per 100.
Leghorns $7 per 100 up. Order your chicks now. Buttermilk starting Iced with minerals. 12 per 100 lbs. Complete line of suooliea for baby chicks.
The Mammoth Hatchery. 45 olenwood av. Mpls. FOR SALE Four 85-egg new Incubators at S5 each, ana on. loo-egg incuoator at $7.
Central Warehouse Company, Bt. Paul. Minn, BABY chicks. Leghorns 6c. heavies 7c, heavy assorted 6c.
Ready for delivery, also started chicks Minn, stock. Rich-field Poultry Farm, 6153 Lyndale S. YOU ARE interested perfect quality eggs, brought airectly from larm, delivered to your door at lowest prices. MI. 3117." EARLY PULLETS FOR EARLY PROFIT 3.
60c each "Edelman Wlnterlav." Eng. Lech. Quality breeders sine. 1919. 31nd av fi E.West ot Silver Lake Rd.
BARRED ROCKS. White Rocks. Reds. 100. heavy assorted $4.50 prepaid; live onivery.
rarms, jenerson tuy. Mo. FOR SALE -6 turkey hens. 12.00 each. 1 gobbler 13 50.
20 Plymouth neni 11.00 earn. Marshall st TANCRFD White Leghorn millets, lay ing, st. Martin ay it enakope. road, Bloominet.on. QUALITY White Hollands bronze baby turkeys, eess.
lew breeders. OR. 9020M. LAYING pullets 3 elec. brooders.
DI. U9HJ. 150 CHOICE young hens. 5 to lbs. 4322 2nd st NE.
1.000 CHICKS alve brooder, almost new. $8. 6313 Irving 8. A. Banded homers 13 pair.
Phon. MI. HUH 7. DOGSJBIRDS PETS SPLENDID selection of dogs, cats, birds. nsh.
at reas. prices, connell Pet Shop. J.16 LSke. RE. 7J0J FOR SALE 6 chinchilla rabbits 11 00 each 25 pigeons 60c each.
3755 Marshall 6t NE. TOY BOSTON AT STUD. 3321 4TH ST N. HY. 3439.
DADDY CAT aery. Fee. 1 cats raised sold cneap. 3106 Cleveland NE. OL.
5023. CANARY birds for sale. 1120 3rd st NE. pnone uh. 1720.
POMERANIAN runoles. will sell on lay-by call HY. 3213. FOX terrier dud mother, well marked male stud service, on. hbjj.
GORGEOUS PEKFS AND POMS. Half price. 2727 41st ay B. BOSTON terrier oupnles. toys, 2041 35th SV 8.
DR. 0175. TOY terrier. Boston. Chesapeake, collie shepherd pups.
5004 istnav PEKINGESE Pups, beauties, heavy coated pedigreed, show stock. 903 Z2nq st. WARBLERS, male and female: half Eng. nsh cinnamons. DR.
1480. 424a woxomia TOY Boston pups, pedigreed, well marked. 4 :03 welcome av, Koooinsaaie. BULL TERRIER, 1 year, chlld'i pet, well irainea. z.
ui. noil. 8UNRAY KE Peke. females. 4 lbs-Stud at serv 110.
RE. 1942 CANARIES, lovebirds, linnets A finches, cages. CH. 9652. 1717 5th St N.
PUPPIE8. partly wire haired fox terriers. ctieap. Jin jjin ay YOUNG CANARIES. SINGER.
LIGHT AND DAFIt. GE. mil, PUPPIES, talking parrot, singers, bird and dog supplies, tropical nsh. OB. oegg.
BEAUTIFUL singers, full song, white fe- males. DI. 0326. 2911 Llncol nstN E. ENGLISH Better duo for sale.
1840 B.n- lamin st ne. di. .741. PEKES AT STUD, MAH JONO A WINSOM. also puppies.
3310 Bryant N. CH. 2172. WIRE hatred male pups, pedigreed (how type. 903 22nd St.
ENGLISH Better, well marked, good action, full grown. Reas. 2530 11th av B. AT STUD. Reg.
Irish Terrier. Magnuson. 17 5 5 st iss t. Rose mil. POLICE puds.
$1 es for sale. Call after 4. 3307 Joth av 8. POLICE nun. 6 months, sell or trade any- thlngI can use.
4419 Wentworth. IRISH setter dog at stud." Orand air. ChleftonLaw. tfA. 2063.
POINTER pups Ac bal. pups. 1 yr. shepherd watcn nog.ij'-s sotn av w. FOR BALE Female French pup.
WA. M92. FOX terrier puns, well marked, reas. 3935 av pi. uu.
ao.n. POSITIONS WANTED- FARM HELP COUPLE with small child wants work nn iarm. oairv or summer resort. Ret. exp.
Aoqress box 3. Nisswa. MinnJ RELIABLE counle. exo. farming, apt.
man agement, caretaker, br. 3.184. PROFESSIONS AND TRADES POWER plain oosltlon, out of city, by cniei engineer, master electrician no rnasler mechanic. 20 years' executive and puyjng experience. Writ.
Y3780 Tribune, MAN. WIPE, exner. lanltor. caretakers. Firing, repair, gen upkeep.
some wages. Ref. DI. 66. FIRST class plumber must have work Prices reasonable.
KEnwood 7697. EXP. butcher wants work tn or out city. Box 295 Delano. Minn.
CARPENTER, A-l. wants work. new. slsereasRerooflngCpo603 BANJO, tultar dblg. tromb, A-l, young.
car and ltb.ary.RE. 0578. YOUNO'mAN 21, desirei work In garage. Hei. MA.
4HB7 AUTOMOBILE mechanic, work don. reas onable. A-l references. Phone RE. 9995.
JANITOR Ar CARETAKER, MAN As WIFE, LICENSED. REF. HY. 1427. ORCHESTRA, novelty entertainers, avail.
nlcht club, dances. Writ. A2452 Tribune rYPTti.nrt alteration and yen. MIri. die age, good appear.
Write A013 Tribune SALESMEN AND SOLICITORS titboBcER. aae 2. Anpearance. person-slit. education, I v.ars present posi tion: se ins ntistneas executives, desires connection with reliable Arm.
Write A939 Tribune. 36 YR8. fin. tales' exo clerical havs car, write A.82 Tribune, iitei.i STORE AND OFFICE BY young man. window trimmer, card- writer, advertiser witn aept.
store experience, A-l references. Write A2366 Tribune, EXn. sales demonst'r. At promoter desires chsnse. 10 yrs.
present emp. Twin city terr. Write P8.934 Tribune. ACCOUNTANT, college trsdu.M. four years' nubile icoc*ntlne exoerlenre.
best of APABLE accountant "will exhanre services lor living expenses. Call MA. 1763, Ant.ji6. pARTilmTTt'kki audits, sstems, Incfima tax service. HY.
6447. P. O. 205, TEAMSTERS AND YOUNG fleense'd 'haiiffeur w'sntsjob, any kind. Use ewa cm.
Ark RB. M70, 2 A FINANCE CO. orders immediate transfer of $1,150 baby grand with small bal. on cc J65- R75 CABLE nlaver piano, like new. can be had for less than $200.
Easy payments. CABLE'a728 8th St. BMALL grand niano, returned from rent, like new. $650 value, less than $300. CABLE'S.
72 3 8th St. MUST sell for cash, mahogany upright niano $25 cash. 2001 Portland gT. FISCHER upright piano, all walnut, good condJSSjsash. 2029 Thomas av S.
BEST OFFER BUN, TAKES LPBb BUF-FETBOEHMJAJI19ELUOT CLEAR A CE a 1 of 20 used $35 and un. CABLE'S. 72 RbTH violin, real bargain. 2131 6th at 2nd floor. HY.
2835. "GRAND UPRIGHT pianos for rent. CABLE FIANO Tj Binst. ffPRIGHT piano, verv good condition at a JbsrtainSOOO Bryant av 8. Flat 4.
LEAVING city, must sacrifice my piano for storage dueJSVrlte YR020 JTrtbune. itEINwAY grand, PrB, gain. McOlnnls Piano fsoo KIMBALL Diano. beaut, music cabinet, nlano bench. Reas.
LO. 0392. BUYS DANDY PIANO. RE. 6385.
2732 NICOLLET. 8FGER6TROM UPRIGHT PIANO. SACRIFICE. 0 JW2TH8T. OLD violin outfit, $35 Tenor banjo, $15; will trade.
HY. 1388. KNIGHT-Brinkerhoff upright, good very reas. Alice. $50 VIOLONCELLO, $15.
CALL LO. 0JS3. PIANO, dark looks new. only 54 In. hlgh.for only $35.
yoojhomaJT PIANO, good cond.7$10; also baby bed. 911 15th st. BR. 1786. RADIO SETS, PARTS, SERVICE MAJESTIC 70 in excellent shane.
Make us sn offer. We buy and sell battery fHin Pehuilri fnr the 2 volt ideal fnrm radio. Bolters. 103 7th t. BR.
2715. Rrs. KE. 6679 BRUNSWICK Panatrope with 9 tube, repossessed. $37 50.
WA radio VARNKh HARDWARE, 6th st, between Hennepin Nicollet. Free service call tube A. C. et. $8 50.
Tubes, bait. sets. AtB elim. ress. 8 8 Radio 8erv.
BR. 4765. 1827 Minnehaha AUTOMOBILE radio. Exnert Installation and service on all makes. Kohler Mfg.
r. 2324Untversity avlt Midway. MIDGET 6-tb. $3: "conko'le 8-tb. $9: used Roister.
Crnsley, Apex, Bremer Tully At others cheap. A $2 50. 2939 Dupont N. HADIO bargains. $9 95 A- up.
Radio service by former Foster At Waldo man Aag- ard sr 81 GENUINE Karadio. new 6-tub. all electric model. 135. RE.
3676. fl A. cabinet radio, cheao. leaving city. DR.
2626. 4904 30th av 8 JJEW Majestic 10-tube cheap. C. A jhortwave IIOHY. 83j7.2939 DupqnN RADIO.
Crosley midget, very "cheap. 8. Gsmbel. 638 Queen av N. MIDGETS.
wave. $10: ellms chargers, snkers. $1 uo. 711 15th st. AT6833 RADIO tubes'.
227s 25c ea. 224s, 35c; 226s. 35c. 1W2 Clinton av. RADIO service, 7oc call; work guar.
Ho cnarges li not sarisneq. nu $'EBB Radio 75c a call, all makes, day orniglit. Work guar. LO. 0630.
fcADIO service by expert. 75c a call. 410 38th6tiJrkgUirCiJRJE8866w EXPERT radio repairs. 10 cash dlscount. Flndlev Elec, 818 Marq.
GE. 8291. SEWING MACHINES is-NEW. slightly scarred display samples, all electrlo port, desk, console, table models $24 95 to 1 19.95 Guaranteed recond. dr.
hd. 8insr. White, other ft, power machines. $4 95 to $9 95 New Home, other $3.95 liberal old math, allowance on new mch Expert repairing. makes; guar.
$1.60 Easy Terms. THE LEADER. MAln 0252. BPFCIAL Monday new console elecs $32. New portables.
$25. Used elects White. $15. Binaer. $15.
dronheads. New contracts. 11 down Itis Clinton. ANY make aew. adjusted In your home.
11. MA. 3113 L. 8. Donaldson Jt Co.
ANY make iw. adlusted-in your home $1 MA. 3113 L. 8 Donaldson ft Co. BTNGER.
Ilk. new 116 50: Bineer. $5 Eidrenae. $4 Elmer. 2741 Nicollet.
RINT.ER rirnnhead. 15. Dom. 13 SO New elec, 129 50. Rents, reprs.
516 8 10TH ST. APT. 7 TYPEWRITERS sold or rented. 110 uo: easy terms TYPEWRITER CLEARING GE r- CTcTBUftH typewrlteri latest enclosed model. Willsellreasonable.LO0159.
WANT "adding machine cheap. Cash. Write Tribune. CORONA portable typewriter with cas, $18. CO.
BAGS BOUGHT HI 4941 "'ANTED4 used booths." 4 cafe tables, state nrire. condition, etc. Cofff. Shoo. Ona-mia.
cashpald for shntgunsrautomatlc pistols, revolvers and flne Camera Jshop. 6th st 8. MA.7008 AVE old cloth.s. iesther bagsTl pay good prices. I.
Bol. 206Hennepin. jCH. 0979. "X50K8.
SETS AND LIBRARIES BOUGHT. Century Book Exch. 209 Henn GE. 7111 VANTED Th. best flat too desk will duv.
write lusn irioune 12 FLAT top At typewriter desk Ac chairs. isoir. cnairs. eon av o. tflGHEKT cash prices paid for furniture -no4 US.
l-ll wanted, imall site, also good gss ran8ecsn. Bit. 4071, PORTABLE tvpewriter wanted, pay cash laii Liu. or or. Will pay cash for good used furn or exrnsnee tor new Bwcnson re sooj Msy-tsg wssher, must In gooa rinquion.t.-aii iiiis.i.
ilOHFHI CASH PRICKS FOR FTTrN WTORAGE FURN MARKET MA 6072 HIGHEST cash prices psid for our fur- pllure snd household OE75S3 PFD 14 or I ft lunch counter, stools! gas grid. sink. DI 1431. EWi'NO MACHINES" highest cs'shprlres rsld McCsffrey.J74!) Stevens. RE 9315.
for office reception room Will ray cash. Write 3460 Tribune 'MALI SAFE. $10. at NE DI. 4690.
4433 2'v rxCHANCE--MISCELLANIOUS ELL. eirh. (x7. 8x10 camera lenaes. fill Printers, dryers, enlargers, lights HY 1038 18T class automobile bodvworlt toy 350 bulldiiig blocks, Write KltI Tribune." tXCHANOE dental work for cement work.
References, Write A41 Tribune trad for used far er stock. J. Thompson. Perg.Mlnn. IWHEEL trailer for small radio.
324? Morten StindaVjJtOlS wk Bays. 'WAP leather lacket As "repeatin-' rlfi. for '-ADY 8 suit. (Iressrs. drestrnakliig.
real (or drntlstrv or silver fog. CH. 4576 PKK radio, like new, fnr team of horses oreattie $.. work In eHerianir. for ar" irsiler.
washing mien er rugs Rt 1441 tLECT RICAL work ressonable sasos licenseA maa. HI. Mil 22 FUR. 2 L. 26 TO 8 GROW mushrooms ahnwhn HOUSEKEEPER, farm experience, for el-cellar, "hed.0.' Plant mZ.
1do.l. mWrlte34jrrl6une. sacrifice, writ. A647 TTipune. i ROOMINO house, 20 rooms, running water, walk.
dlst. will sacrince, us, nti. SANDWICH irino, booths, atooll. live dlat, low rent. real buy, s.i.3 as.
oju ll tl BUB I Ball at A -lk 9 stools, sacrifice 1200 down. tW. 1743. SANDWICH shop for sal. 1250 tl taien as one.
i gtn av o. SANDWICH Shon, 2011 Broadwar. prica right tor stiici s. ni. in.
crops, we nuy. Bpiendld Income Data iree. xniersiate. CF707 East 76tn, Chi- WANTED 3 voune married H. ruuenunn.
ray aootlt SIS .50 wk. to start Bee Mr. Clark. 71 PhoenU Bldi. Monday 10 in 13 a rLlVKwmB FOOD PRODUCT-8ALFV AIjL MONDAY, O.
F. FOSTER PRODUCT 808 FRANKLIN, RM. 7. EARN un to lis weekly making small wood- jii iiovemes at pome. Kasiiy made, write for free narttetil.r.
u-ih- Jl7iLW.eithflac.Chlcago WELL estab. completely equipped window tu. man witn general experience with or without canltal. RE. 6636 UNMARRIED man.
60-55. take cafe male ooara. wasning, end 130 mo. 926 Newton av OREA8E maker wanted, thoroughly e- uwri rnone mi, e1t nrlng. car.
IWA. WANTED, man, 40-50 yrs. to work for board rm. 61 Holden at. RE8P.
oarty tp drlv. car to Springfield. iiu, AX. WANTED masseur living near 18th and iim vvrite yjnB Trioune 1M1VIM.1A 1 rKRMANFNIe Zipp-Over Mfg. 307 Loeb Arcade.
EDUCATIONAL BEAUTY SCHOOLS LEARN beauty culture, j. Beau Iv Bchool. 301 Calalna A -mm jU. Beau Iv Bchool. 30t Andrus Bldg DANCING SCHOOLS PALMS DANCING SCHOOL.
344 Nicollet. Open it to 10 p. m. phone AT. 0090.
Private leisons, waltg At foi trot, li HEt.EN'R naNriMn arurwr 80 above State theater. AT." M66. nriv iessonsin payroom. dancing, 15. it lSDrlvate lessons lrwaltx fox trot.
1J. KNICKERBOCKER DANCING SCHOOL. 104 Henn. a.m. to 10 m.
AT. 96. Jallroom or stage dancing taught dally. INSTRUCTION WANTED Names men-women, 18-50, wish, lng post-deoresslon eovernmant inha Steady, Start mo. Sample srnacning parncuiars tree.
Apply to dav. Writi X152 Tribune MUSICAL-DRAMATIC INSTRUC. JAZZ PjANO At "SaV Cnrlsten" FRii. i win st. ma.
Bti.iu or P3 OR IN wit i uuiii, vi. TEACHER of wano. voice tt violin, real prices. 3134 1Mb av Jotv-oa, SHOE repair shop, uo-to-dat. machinery, .1 1ST best of btislness.J87j central av STATION, tank car Its, sain for oulrk sale.
19th and Riverside. AILOR and cleaning shop, fully" eouinnett best location in city in notei. win sacn flea for quick ssle. have other business, Wrlle L1105 Tribune. fAILORshor Best buy and toe.
In cltrT Kill li.t mtn at. THEATER So, Minn, s.atlns 334, ultra sound, owner in nospnsi, jorct sua, Onlv chow la rent 140 hti Berser MA.334S THEATER County sent town. pon. 1.300. Latest sotincf and equipment.
tic necorstea. writ, siij Tribune. TRUSTtfcSfflP Ji female deer, beaver, fitch, mint nd silver foxes. All bred. If Interested in any of above animals writ Trustee In Bankruptcy, Bog 236, Whlta Bear Laks.
Minn PARTNER "wanted in eiteMished 'business rime'l, ns.UD -Tintins, A-l ornnoiltlon. stnekS bonds taken lull valur Write A3343 TrlhT Mariner with mony, loid placer mitiing. Ooim soori. Write ATM Trthtin. MILLINERY partner, 5o n.
ysstaiint writ IltN Tf tl.