Samples: Here are the credits and notes for some of the samples of soundclips used throughout the album.
-DISC-ONE- Run-time(45:07)
01. Waerbabsnals (Part 1)("Water Babies Hypnotize My Status Signal")
This is not the intro. It is leaving one world and flopping/flying over to the
next. This is the bridge.
The cough was recorded by an assembly speaker, in between his great declarations.
0:01 Hamburger:The Indestructable Man(1956)
0:03 to 0:24 advertising garble:Programming
"You Have To Change Your Mind To Start With" Poached audio interview
02. Prototype (Part 1)
Getting there...
(Divided into parts,from the 10/31/2011 1 track recording 'PROTOTPE')
0:12to0:19: 'This mysterious planet/you'll never see your..':The Phantom Planet(1961)
0:28to0:34: Muddled diologue from Carnival Of Souls(1962)
The dragging: Fingernails on a wall. Incomprehensible with birds: Rowboaters along
the lake channel. Also: Tyepwriter buttons being pushed.
03. Well-Come-Changing-Forms
'This story you are about to witness' & 'countdown' from
The Phantom Planet
2:20 to 2:25: background Carnival Of Souls.
04. Here We Are
This should be an interesting ride.
In the background 2:20 to end more Carnival Of Souls diologue.
06. Static Town Pedestrian
(The begining is an instrumental excerpt from
an otherwise scrapped song called 'Gracing Past The Mediator' which
was another would-be song for 'A Leme Harot')
1:36 to 3:15: Some boy band called 'Big Time Rush'(If I
remember correctly) blessed ears at the superbowl halftime
show. It was not to be missed for an oppurtunity to capture
and distort.
3:21 to 3:25:Programming receptions. Also:The dreary sounds
of 'advertising ghouls' are a distorted recording of children
taking the public transportation bus from the nature center
back into town.
07. Sont Beorry
Original layer of guitar/vocals:07/19/2011. Layers added around 02/18/2012
Did you know?:0:00 to 0:13 the introduction is also used by quasi-rock band sensation
Lemontrees, only as an outro to the sensational hit song 'Miss La-Dee-Da'
Hook up the metal compressor to your components
Stick your ego inside of the refridgorator
Walk underneath the elephant dance
Take Your Chance
Delete you from our system!!
Operator/ma... machine
Another streetsign is put up
Streetlights are surrounding your hoooooommmmmmmmmmme
Soon to be shoe-stores
Soon to be shoe-stores
Your home.. Your home
Soon to be shoe-stores
Soon to be........
(Some day) you'll have a little fit
08. Prototype (Part two)
0:17 to 0:23:Mind-Sale-ish pickup from programming receptors.
Some time-share-cash-flow infomercial (and you can,too!)
0:34 to 0:36:'Reduced to Normal' from The Phantom Planet.
Sirens:Town fire sirens recorded while out on a bicycle ride.
09. The Secretly Promiscuous Pepper Shaker
0:06 to 0:09:Imagination:From Carnival Of Souls
When kettles calm, The teapot goes off
The pepper shaker wants to make a move.
10. Vituperating Synapsis
11. I Am The Distance
I Am The Space Between Question and The Dunce
I AM The Wizard, Crucified
I Am The Pride To Find Structure and Interupt
In The Space Unrestrained
12. Fizzle Dilapitation Of Cultural Submission
A Fizzle marks it's presence, remaining permanent for ever and ever
wherever it chooses to reside.
The wavelengths of Eris, blood fuel, acreage and playful nipple-milk-shooting
tactics spread
with a camoflauged tactic from the Fizzle's residence to all life forms who pass.
Song: Earphones placed into bottom of drinking cup; Playback volume cranked to MAX,
Microphone jammed into cup over earphone playback (G.T. Approach due to malfunctioned
guitar and amp system.) Thus result, this, as it is.
We shall not argue, we shall evolve.
Fools and creative we be,
Divine and learning.
Leaning from the ways of a FIZZLE.
Song that was cut from this day's session:
Fizzles & Fle(e)cks team up with Terror Worms to infiltrate all
capitols of territories with lines declaring states.
13. Prototype (Part 3)
...This place is full of creeps I just might be one too
This place is full of crooks I might be one as well
Stuck in the divide between Eden & Hell...
14. 900 Cat Ass Town Riot
The orderly and the rampant merge.
Felines, Sacred curiousities, dance in a wild glee!
Taking over the town, they march in mile-lines along the strings of
a pilot-jacket. Wentzerth and others taking back what is rightfully theirs!
15. Ieme Thestance
I AM The Stance
Shall we dance between the craters of fued
Shall we embrace the internal creator or how'bout get some food?
If Low energy will eat you, rise high and go unusurped
Or there's always night, comes later, with honey and life to slurp.
:17 and forward: Outside life in the autumn
16. Thevis Junmil
Banjos in the Dulcimer tuning. Will you dance will you swing will you dance
Also sounds of the animals (we are) scurrying, from outside life in the autumn as well.
17. Park Body Near The Plains
Inside or outside, of this vehicle.
18. I Am Thestance
I AM The Stance still in the same field but changing form
I Am the iron in your blood and the beauty of the storm
19. Return Of The Inner City Jumping Snails
Dedicated to anything you love at the given moment.
Snails Don't Race They Just travel at a pace
to prevent them from crashing
and they watch all that occurs, in a slow sly of knowing.
You go forty miles to and fro but by the time you get back
They're only inches away from that same sidewalk crack
That you passed them at
and then they JUMP*
(Emphasize that word JUMP because boy they're jumping high.)
20. Prototype (Part 4)
0:01 to 0:15:Fuick-pille programming static.
Take out the I and take out the E and you have natural enhancements
for society, you I, me and we.
A prototype is a predestined model to usher in a way of predicting the
behavior or culling along interests for big sales and predictability.
Are the ____ more alive than the ______?
21. Loose Pinball Down Malt Town
..and it keeps rolling.. and rolling. You should see the look in their eyes as
it merely missed pulverizin' em.. Pancakin' em!! But it still kept on rolling.
It almost hit the Inner City Snails at one point, but they JUMPED.
22. Prototype (Part 5)
0:35 to 1:07:Song playing on speakers at gastation fading into background.
Shapes from your dreams recreating themselves to this idea of real.
A Dead man's idea of the world still solid and obeyed while the alive
retreat from new idea's of the breathing one's minds.
23. Prototype (Part 6)
0:50 to 1:05:Conscious wave:Bob Frissel interview 02/2012 from Red Ice Creations radio.
The sounds of Hazel's past arrive.
24. Wooliebear Parachutes
Inspired by and dedicated to Rocko's Modern Life music by Pat Irwin.
It raining from the heavens,
They descend to the trees and into the streets.
Wooliebears in parachutes.
Cars avoiding to miss them (Riding off the road)
Children running to kiss them (Some landing on toads.)
Snails JUMP to greet them
I speak their language, now it's time to greet them
25. Fleeing Oboland
Oboland is a lousy place to be.
26. Without A Name
Free souls will travel without a name
27. Prototype (Part 7)
Back into the memories of Hazel's Past. The pianos start. Islands between ideas.
28. Walls Of Water Surge
Sophia wash and cleanse all of the poisons, even those that stand in the way
of healing will flood. Abundant the natural stance.
29. Beyond The Border (Passport, Mind You)
Free souls will travel over boredlines without an identity certificate.
Touch my skin I am alive see my shape I am here, this document, shredded.
0:13 to 0:17:'Is that a chorus I hear?' from Driller Killer (1979)
30. Mr Sensible's Sacrificial Timecard
Came here to 'make' money and gather debt.
Along the background of begining: Hysterically Laughing civilian from Driller Killer
Owls and birds recorded along walks both night and morning after snow melts.
-DISC-TWO- Run-time:(58:48)
01. (Really track number 31)
The Devil's Junkmail (5:51) 08/01/2011:First layer recorded,Improvised.
6ixth fret cappo: Banjo, Dulcimer tuning.
Vocal and banjo layers added ~08/06/2011.
Fine tuned editing on and off between other recordings.
We dance around
we swing around
we dance around
The devil's junkmail is in your box
The sandal wearers are circling in
The devil's junkmail
A snake in your eyeballs
A skeleton tattoo on a college hipster
We dance around
we swing around
we dance around
The devil's junkmail
is in your box
The timid fire
In your stare
We dance around
we swing around
we dance around
Where'd you come from
out under a-rooooo-oooocck?
Where'd you come from
you fill up the skkyyyy--eee.
We dance around
we swing around
we dance around
Average names.
Medium stares.
Passing strangers:
staring at your toes.
Average names.
Medium stares.
passing strangers
staring at your toes.
The devil's mail is in your box
You stare at somebody with a funny look
We dance around
we swing around
we dance around
I met somebody with an opinion
I met somebody with solid care
I met somebody with opinion
Are you gone are you theeeeeeeeeere?
The devil's mail in your box
Junk mail through your
Workin' up for a good choruuu
Workin' up for a good choruuuuuoouuuuiiiiiiii
We dance around
we swing around
we dance around
The devil's junkmail in your box
you follow the foots of a fox
The fire in your stare
The skeleton tattoos on your eyeball
College hipsters' trust funds
Circles in your dilemmas
You dance in circles all the time.
02. Scyanic (0:34)
03. Universe Breakfast Original layer recorded 05/29/2011
Other instruments added at different intervals sometime AFTER and only
AFTER the first layer was recorded,naturally.
With Dylan "Soil Finn" on Harp
I pull the moon out of the sky
flip it like a disc
disrupt the mental tides
alongside your menstruation.
Through the bottomless
pocket in the world's black market
remember the shots
Under venom crystal clear
Hijacking the plain site
of peripheral access
My long lost dreams
My long lost dream
Melatonin bursts
Like a peak of a coma
Through your honey---
(/Eulogy and a celebration of Life\)
You are the breath that you see
you'll see
Not the decoy you're trained to see
The current-(c)se(iez)as(e) are flooded
Can you govern-mentality?
The first king is reborn
through the dreams you are
04. Frozen Piss Sculptures Of Szantamaria
09/07/2011 Originally called 'Rocking Chair Tour Bus' Layers added
here&there@unknown dates.
Zantamaria, Zantamaria, a name that came from a dream.
Write it down, attach it to a song
"To Imagine" Voiceclip Bob Frissel from interview previously listed.
Imagination:The child of the dreams entering a doorway to the physical!
05. Vituperating Synpsis
A Window over concrete with dynamite in the box.
A garden in the lawn where mowers sit in sheds.
06. Prototype (Part 8)
0:18:'Why I Compounded this myself' Bela Lugosi, The Devil Bat(1940)
07. Brain Eating Amoeba Disaster '92 (2:39) 06/30/2011
Dock Yawner has an imaginary band called "Dock Yawner & The Brain Eating
Amoeba' in which he is the succesful, lead singer of. The name references the
terrible, but briefly ever acknowledged or refered to by the media,Brain Eating
Amoeba disaster that occured and was quickly covered up in '92. 1892 or 1992 nobody
is really sure.
2:20:'I don't want to be left alone' clip from Carnival of Souls and mixtures,
in the distant bacground, from the movies previously listed.
08. Sneaking (1:21)
You're going to have to go unnoticed in this one, to find a new air.
09. Yet (0:50)
"Why doesn't anybody hear me?' Carnival of Souls.
Here comes yet again risking everything.
10. Waerbabsnals (Part 3) (0:19)
11. Of Realm (1:43) 02/07/2012
Kill me if you must, I have lost the fear to die
The acceptance of an end is the key to be alive
Kill me if you must, I have lost the fear to die
The acceptance of an end is the key to be alive
The breath of life needs a new consciousness
The alchemy of breath through the voice that exists
Mark my word as an induction to fulfill, to create
Through the mind we bend the shape, access the altered state.
The skin is like a coat, the interior is the magnum
The Eternal: the countless: the ageless and the doubtless.
Eye find notice to each step from the higher realm
Trying to heal these cracks within our own realm
It's not as much about lifting off from this earth
but cleansing the poisons from the addictions to hurt
If you leave misery on a planet left behind
who's to say it will not follow into a corrupt mind?
If you leave misery on a planet left behind
who's to say it will not follow into a corrupt mind?
My fingertips bleed the heart of thise stdream
Between the land of the divine and the machine
Watch the undead walk with programmed opinions
Controlled by the submission of programmed dominion
Blood like water with ice to preserve
Melting time with compassion through the lines of the earth
reconnect, construct, magnetize the will
You're as dead as alive when convinced to kill
You're as dead as alive when convinced to kill
You're as dead as alive when convinced to kill
reconstruct, magnetize the will
You're as dead as alive when convinced to kill
I am not going to be trapped inside your realm
by the edge of a blade with a pendulum that swings
As the eons start to fade, the spine splits and cracks
Twins circulate through a rhythm crawling up your back
From the eyes that cast Kiss the ground, look above
I am the sky I am the stream I am your love
Anger like the fire and love within the flame
Not to be retraced through the hatred or the blame
Circulate eternity, every path is reality
You are your own shadow to overcome,
12. Prototype (Part 9) (4:10)
0:16 to 0:23:The daylight:From Carnival Of Souls
0:59 to 1:12: Distorted snippet into background from more
gastation music. I'm flying away. know how you feel, lady.
The winds from the desert. Animals from the hills.
13. Echoes from your Lore
Don't wait for nights unless you wash away
Don't wait for nights unless you wash away
Flowers from the vine
run through the concrete cracks
flowers divine
run through the concrete cracks
Echoes from your lore
Echoes from your lore
Echoes from your lore
Echoes from your lore
14. Fizzipitators/Waerbabsnals (Part 4)(0:41)
15. Prototype (Pt 10) (0:31)
"As thought I didn't exist" Carnival of Souls.
'I Got lucky' Indestructable Man
16. Recepting Inconsistancies
10/11/2011 Found A toaster near the rail-tracks
Used that and a railroad tie as percussion.
"A hamburger" Indestructable"
"She's rich and famous" Radio malarky
17. Recepting Inconsistancies (Part 2)
Rail road tie, SHOT (literally) toaster and rail road plate VIA along the
route of the old and now torn down Recluse House (Via reckless recluse album
seen as portrait, taken from train tracks.)
18. Prototype (Part 11) (0:17)
Seventeen seconds of falling and rising.
19. Heart Attack Widow In The Basement Above (15:24) 03/2011
Here she lies heartbroken and beneath the procedure
Beneath where bee-knees buckle and basement floors tuck
A part of the Earth, Goddess as a widow
Can hearts thrive above these soils?
Before you're wrapped up in a webbing, found in wood..
20. Dont Sit There
(0:58) 02/06/1933
'Naked redhead lady is chasing me along
She's got like eight kids
but none of them are mine
'Orange juice is stale,
the ginger ale is lost
I think the boat is tossed
but around here it's just dry
(drum solo)
The hook in your ear
and the bolt in your rear
It means you have a fit,
You cannot sit
and don't get near
21. Construction Demolition (5:30) 01/13/2012
2:46 to 2:50 sound effect from It's A Mad,Mad,Mad,Mad,Mad,Mad World (1963)
~4:20 to 4:30 faint voice sounds from Carnival of Souls, again ~4:52to4:58
Construct Destroy Rebuild Fulfill paths along the mediator
A chapter for madness or a cookbook for sane living
The split between pride, betrayal, taking and giving
Archetects destroy to compensate for love
Children play with swings rather than grow up.
22. Vitrocerating Synopsis (0:20)
23. Fuiiuprwell (4:55) 08/03/2011
laaaa dadadaaaa
de de dededede
-DISC-THREE- Run-time(42:39)
01. In The Crowd Guised (0:23) (Really track 54,right?)
02. Herbie Getalong Herbie Railtree (1:31) 07/20/2011
Herbie Palmtree in a fluent wander. It's going to be a beautiful,
leisurely day.
03. Recepting Inconsistancies (Part 3) (0:23)
04. Prototype (Part 12) (0:46)
05. Miggi The Tax Free Heathen (2:54)
Here comes Miggi yet again with a luck for life, luck for life.
06. Waerbabsnals-Pt-5/Lectures-On-Outdoor-Elevators
07. Lectures-On-Tube-Snifting
08. 7-14
(0:53) With Soil Finn on Rhythm Guitar/dadadooms
09. Shoulder-Crisping
10. Thus-Spake
(3:02) 09/17/2011
(1:48) 07/05/2011
(1:31) 12/17/2011
13-Wuntzwerth-Walk (0:04)
14-The-Day-A-BBQ-Turned-Into-A-Wedding (2:34)
15-Prototype-Pt-13/FreeEnergy/Dependence (3:10)
16. Kermits-Hearse(Hermits-Curse)
(5:10) 01/21/2012
17. Wering-Takkitti(Share-A-Ride)
18-Waerbabsnals-Pt-6 (0:48)
19-All-Natural-Flavo(u)rs (2:19)
Everything's artifically flavored to taste naturally.
I'm not sorry I never fucked you. Don't enough of us
get fucked already? Only apologetic over a lack of
warming you, or warning you, of all the fuckers ready
to drill you with hooks are screws and fables and views.
20-Participation (0:16)
21-Sorce-Ouf (3:19)
There's a reason it goes on, The hook.
22-Alone-In-The-Middle-Of-Everyone (1:53)
A lien nation
Where are all the lions
23-Lana-II (1:06)
This is going to be one of those 'things,' isn't it?
24. The-Journey-Of-Foil-Sinn+
Soil Finn - Rhythm Guitar
*Soil Finn - Rhythm Guitar/dadadooms
+Soil Finn - Rhythm Guitar
Disc Four Run-time(45:23)
01. Yeti-Wedding
The marriage of the fur-laden, internal, with melting wrist-watches
Alchemical games of pogs played,in the mountains,
Brick walls in the other-land pancake, so acceleration can snarble
And snarble it will, when you look into the eyes of your new noolywed
Mist at the peak of a great chance;The lawn not terrorized by the mower,
any longer,
The free one finally able to pass the border, without written evidence of an
The gates open, we all have waited
Fate allowed the beastly ones to simply use the side-door
The one over there, to the left,that way,
right next to those old recently secured gates.
02. Hot-Water-I
11/06/2011 (Part 1/3)
Ginger ale left in some room with boarded up windows.
No hot water. Human impersonators outside, in their suits.
Signs of someone having been here before.
03. I-Am-The-Daystance
With Soil Finn on rhythm guitar
I am the day stance
With strong days and weak days
and dark ones in the rain
I AM the day chance
Healing these patterns of splitting pain
For fortune and growth;Intent.
04. Preso-Prieso
A merging of ancient understanding texted to thee by the forming ones.
Inventors of the patterns
05. Someday-Now
06. Mr-Destructive-Mr-Annihilator
Roll 'R's tightly is the sound of ammunition.
Layers, acoustic turned into electric again for lack of better
Hey Mr. Annihilator
Mr. Backpack on your nosetip
Mr. Coffee table sawer-in-half
Running naked through the middle of town
Get out while you can
Running naked on the top of a flying airplane
You're gonna crash it down
Mr destructive
Mr annihilator
Throwing bricks through windows
The windows of cheap hotels
07. Priestess(Part-3)
Priestess Rays, wetten this dry perception nation.
Priestess flood the borders. Marry them together.
Priestess you pierce through the clouds so well
Clean birds perch high up above fading veils
Old bells ring outward to thick lives unseen
Old bells ring outward to thick lives unseen
Hand through the hand
The Nile Risen Up
Climb up in courage
The daytime above
Climb up in courage,Climb up in courage,Climb up in courage
08. Shorelines Always Mirror
You could lead yourself to an open air
Don't you disappear
Tell me the places you want to call home
And I will lead you There
Reflection fo yourself
Follow weathered light in mirror imaged
Shadows stare back in grey vision
when world steps into vivid color
Infinite doorway: led by one called all
Infinite chances:You can step on through
Infinite doorway: leading clarity
Infinite chances:You can step on through
09. Hazel's Past
Her lives in memory from an Island where beings shaped differently.
Red hair, green eyes, rimmed hat.
10. Mind Of Wisdom Face Of An Angel
Cold planes in the night
tonight tonight
Do not freeze, come to me
Do not freeze, come to me
Mind of wisdom
the face of an angel
the soul of a demon
something inside
Mind of wisdom
the face of an angel
the soul of a demon
something inside
Do we want beauty
do we want beauty
do we life
do we want death
Do we want beauty
do we want movement
will we stagnate
do we want death?
Bring it along
you can bring along
You can throw it out
if it don't fit you
Bring it along
you can bring it along
you can carry anything you can
Mind of wisdom
face of an angel
soul of a demon
There's something inside
Mind of wisdom
face of an angel
soul of a demon
There's something inside
11. Ostrich-Sized
02/19/2012 Instrumental 11/06/2011
Spoken words by Rev. Bruce Howard
12. Mayhem-Calm
(Date unkept. Near rain-window/keyboard.)
Also found in 'It's Raining Boneclad Gizmos'
Monstrelli,Les (2011)
A ceremony for the following you are about to hear and never, ever
be able to un-hear.
13. Mass-Confusion
An extraction of the chaos energy, the pent up misplacement of alienation.
MASS CONFUSION: Conceived 08-21-2011 Over prerecorded a drum take from 10/02/2010
which was a series of recording drum sessions that I knew would be used later on for
something horrendous. This happens to be one of the results.
BROKEN guitar with wires held with duct tape.
Listening to a 12 minute song 40 times over not counting editing techniques is
Almost as balancing as typing song notes to a five disc set before it it finished
then wondering if a fly would read it if written in honey.
This is my personally Subgenius-inspired anthem but also a healthy outlash of the
unsane normal world. Thank you, "Bob"
[indecipherable screams]
Naked communists and lesbian vampire transvestite vote stealers
bombing office buildings near you.
Newlywed widows sipping kerosine on gas tray coffee tables.
Massive populace pop placebo pills under the guise that abuse is bliss
Satanic snake oil where the real demons look pretty petty
ooohhh aahhohhhhhhhaheaahhohhhhhhhaheeyhhhhh
Triple-faced double takes with 87 eyeballs
400 and sixty 8 arms
Double-jointed backtwists with serious speakers with secret lisps.
Cry me a river of saturated tit milk from the island of naked redheads
Unlimited expansions of imaginative capibilities
Grey walls become sexual orgies of colors [wahghhhhh]
thriving and creating, thriving and creating
Replacing the bland....
with new products for you
Mass Confusion
Taboos tipped over all the strong superstitions
hold hands with the wise fool and trip along the way.
Stare faces with the limbless, we disintegrated the roots
The opinion of the tin man rumbled ideologies of a truth
Oooooh and we're in it for the truth
We're in it for the truth
We're in it for the truth
were in ittaa for the truth
Put your heart in the microwave
Put your heart in the deepfryer
Put your heart in the microwave
Put your heart in the deepfryer
Put your heart in the microwave
Put your heart in the deepfryer
Does anybody have a heart?
Does anybody have a heart?
Does anybody have a heart?
Does anybody have a heart?
Does anybody have a heart?
Does anybody have a heart?
Massss confusion
Mass Confusiooonn
Mass Confusion
Put your heart in the microwave
Put your heart in the
ha haha ha ha ha ha agh
ahgh agh ha ha hagh ahgh
agh agh agh aghagahagh
aghagah!AGH! Gha ahgh yaeaghaeageahaghhhh
aghhehghhhhhhhah aghyeeeehhhhyeeeahhhheehehhehyhe
Free fast and easy
Can you translate this?
For the rich and for the poor
For all the men and all the women out there
with skin on their faces and teeth in their mouths
Can you reimburse me for my loan payments
While I speak of revolutionary ideas?
You-can-find-me-on-face-book (OHHhhhwon't you like me!?)
I think you call it something along the lines of
Mass Confusion
Mass Confusion
Are you kempt? I seem to be unkempt.
Unkempt to all the rushing, to all of
the vague diologues. I just want to echoe,
but not to something like this?
Are you on edge? I seem to be jagged.
There's a rushing wind passing me by
and I just know that it was fueled by pterodactile wings.
There are several street covers scattered around.
You can lift the lid to find a tunnel leading down
but which way will you find, the path to a shit-hole
sewer system or an underground city reaping rewards
of a new culture and land, the antiquities of golden seclusion.
Aeaghhhh (Right to left!)
"If I were a taxidermist I would know how to fix this" but
this person was out of breath
too far long-gone
too far long-gone
too far to fit in
To be happily !!!!!!!!!!!NORMAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[waaeiaaghh(Tribute to Howard Dean??)]
Suddenly I scraped off my suit like that rust that I didn't want to fade
as I compared moments to freshness and livelihood.
An erotic premise wandered up from the sounds of a ghoul, a phantom
but quickly it seemed like ecstatic moans turned into the howling screams
of a banshee.
N'There I was,
as covers werescraped overhead,
stuck below that new world
Unto where the outlines of men and women simmered into a shape of a ghost town.
When I was a kid I thought I'd never get old and so I didn't.
(I wrote that as a child who never made it into the adult year(Ejaculation-child.)
A renaissance of marketing schemes
to keep you in your HOLE
Mass Confusion
Don't worry it's going to be over pretty soon
and my guitar doesn't even work (Tell it to get a job)
uhh, you know?
Thank you, heh
we will love you all forever now
And you will be normal in no time
Just put your fancy shoes on and tuck it in for another day.
We don't care that your marriage sucks
You owe us
---big time.
Mass Confusion.
Thank you.
14. Lana I
Date:It is unprofessional to admit to being unable to succesfully
wade through song folders to stumble across the 'Lana' file and come
up with an accurately recorded Gregorian measurement of time. It would be
moreso unprofessional to not mention it at all and also rather useless for
even listing it at all. Though you cannot unread these words I do appreciate
your skimmering through them.
"Honey I left my reason for being in the microwave?"
"Darling, you melted it!! Darlin, you ought to know better!"
"Well, I'm going to be late.. Can I just borrow yours?"
"Honey!!... Ohhh, I guess so."
Disc Five Run-time(31:11)
01. Prototype (Part 14)/Saltine Soap
Here we are.
02. Metal Container-Pants
In Recluse woods.
03. The Real Reason-Is
Features Foil Sinn on the Electrified acoustic guitar.
Reasons may change such as the opionated-liking that reasons do adapt.
Even seasons seem like something we only expect but that could
always change.
Lome Menstraul+Foil Soil=Foil Melons.
04. Pliaza
The movie clips are from Teenagers From Outer Space (1959)
At 2:45 A song from the Dewitt Recording files merges into the mix
this features Soil Finn on Djembe (The hand drum percussion where
shortly thereafter the song "Speak (Part II)" from the Triangle CD
was recorded on 02/02/2011.
05. I-I
Soil Finn performs the Guitar Layer on the original recording layer which was
performed on 05/29/2011. I later tinkered with layers around 05/29/
2011 where another banjo was added as well as the other instruments. This is the
combination of both pieces of the song "H," thus, I and I, or I-I.
The original title of this first layer was "Hordes of Protection," a response to
the title of an earlier intrumental.
06. Hereverevery
Soil Finn is featured in this song playing the electric guitar as tuned to all D's
while the other guitar fights webbings while trying to be graceful but still has
to strike like a whimsically chaotic lune-sword while the D's frame it.
07. Trekking Ze Spivial Clam
The percussion of the Djembe is again performed by Soil Finn.
Ze Spivial Clam Treks up bones of backyards through waters melted from ice.
It is very, very Spivial of a clam. Clams like that, when you refer to them as
08. Mahked Fortall(Part-I)
Improvised with Soil Finn who performs the acoustic Rhythm Guitar
Dedicated to Mahked Fortall, the most beautiful, seeing beauty in
the things even others find atrocious, pitiful or pointless. Mahked
sees a trifold of beauty in those kinds of things. Thank you.
09. Mahked Fortall(Part-II)
Soil Finn continues the acoustic rhythm and takes the lead for most of
the harmonies and carries voice with lemon-flavored of electric guitar.
The end credits and then the album starts thereafter.
10. Shaking-Up-Thought-Thunder
Skin becomes ultra aware every fragment of touch is felt
11. Waerbabsnals-Pt-7
"Resign" words at introduction by Robert Anton Wilson
12. Hour-Hours
Soil Finn Rhythm Guitar At:10 to 1:52 from a loop made from the
song "You're Yours"
Thanks for going along for the ride.
Coming soon, probably not, but maybe, but yes:
Chameleon Shelter Bonus tracks:
The bonus tracks to a bonus album.
An album of mini albums, maybe.
Catastrophe. Glory.
Possibly tolerable. Definitely, well.....
I did not leave my soul to the skin-machine.
Featuring songs/sounds such as:
- Bunny Flex!
- Kermit's Hearse (Original takes)
- Dont Go Rockin' (With My Baby In A Kettle)(Pop-sensation)
- Flying Along The Dimensionphere
- Good To Go On Farmday
- Many Of The Stages Of Love (Pt I and II:The tender gauntlets of compassion.
Black souls heartbroken in a blashpemous forty minutes of swirling piano.
With: The Dance of unconditional joy/Butterflies in the stomach knots,
The smell of deceit in the vertigo room/Holding hands on contamination Isle/
Balance of the pogo stick on a velvet oil floor,Care of nothing else so long as
We Swoon,The Stride of A Good Luck Smooch,Look at me I'm a freakin' butterfly,
Wreck Rebuild Fulfill the Light of Rebirth.)
- Angels
- Sounds Of Freedom Running Through Your Mind
- Subway Ratface (Sounds meant for a movie that would and may exist..)
- Priestess (Alternate version 2(maybe))
- Piriestess (Probably)
- Little Baby Slack (Leisure Anthem)
- I'm Fixin' To kill You
- You can't love the growth unless you at least like the rain
- Posthumous humor dance of the horrendous post mortem postal madness
- Communion in the lands of nobody
The Captives Must Free Themselves (But they don't have to (But They Can))
Other songs cut from album:
- Astral Serendipity
- DoYouWantToGetACoffeeOrGetMarried
- Blues Regression
- Godman At Door Want Money
Have no shame for having eyebrows baron down upon you from the establishment or
industrialized ways of cold shoulder, for, soul-wise, it likely means you are on the
right path of purity when in a scarcity-driven cult-ure things as love and abundance
do not profit very well.
I once heard from a student
of the Frekeronomiton
that if you close your nose
with your two big toes
and hold your eyes
with a friends elbows
and then huff and puff
until your ears bow
that at least twenty freckles
start to grow.
A land of eyeballs:A sea of eyeballs
Funny hats and stupid names.
Eyeballs of the rich and famous
and people to donate money to.